Plate |
Facing page |
I |
Stages of Creation. From Haggadah von Sarajevo. Fourteenth century. |
32 |
II |
Sustainers of the Earth. |
A. Quetzalcoatl Upholding the Heavens. From an original Mexican painting preserved in the Imperial Library at Vienna. Reproduced from Kingsborough's Antiquities of Mexico, Vol. II, 1831. |
B. Atlas Upholding the Earth. From Engravings after Stothard; a collection in the New York Public Library. |
C. A Hindu Earth. From Flammarion's Astronomical Myths. 1877. |
38 |
Atlas Supporting the Universe. From Margarita philosophica. 1517. |
42 |
IV |
A very clear demonstration of the three kinds of vision in the Microcosm (or soul of Man), of the location of their objects, and of the manner of discerning them. From Fludd's Microcosmi Historia. 1619. |
46 |
V |
Another demonstration showing how the soul rises in a spiral ascent from the sensible things of the world to Unity. From Fludd's Microcosmi Historia. 1619. |
50 |
VI |
The Primordial Earth and Sea. From Muenster's Cosmographia Universalis. 1559. |
54 |
A. A kufa laden with stones and manned by a crew of four men. Drawn by Faucher-Gudin from a bas-relief at Koyunjik. From Maspero's The Dawn of Civilization. 1894. |
58 |
B. Construction of the Akkadian, Chaldean and Babylonian Universe. From Myer's Qabbalah. 1888. |
58 |
The Babylonian Universe. From Warren's The Universe as Pictured in Milton's Paradise Lost. 1915. |
62 |
IX |
The Sky Goddess Nut Bending over the Earth. From the Sarcophagus of Uresh-Nofer, Priest of the Goddess Mut(XXXth dynasty, 378-341 B.C.). In the Metropolitan Museum of the City of New York. |
64 |
X |
A. The Heavenly Goose. From Bryant's Ancient Mythology, Vol. II. 1774. |
66 |
B. The Sky Goddess Nut represented double. From Lockyer's The Dawn of Astronomy. 1894. |
66 |
XI |
Omnia Per Ipsum Facta Sunt. From Merian's Bybel Printen. 1650. |
70 |
The Earth after the Earth-Moon Catastrophe. Drawn by George D. Swazey for Popular Astronomy, Aug.-Sept., 1907. |
72 |
One of the oldest drawings of the Moon, by PerCapucin Marie de Rheita (1645). From Kircher's Iter exstaticum coeleste. 1660. |
76 |
"And Again He Sent Forth the Dove Out of the Ark." From Burnet's The Theory of the Earth. 1697. |
80 |
XV |
Situation of the Island of Atlantis, according to the ideas of the ancient Egyptians and the description of Plato. From Kircher's Mundus Subterraneus. 1678. |
82 |
The Subterranean Bridge. From Kircher's Mundus Subterraneus. 1678. |
84 |
A Conjectural Geography of the Translation of the Earth after the Deluge. From Kircher's Arca No 1665. |
88 |
Yggdrasil, the World Tree of the Norsemen. After Finn Magnusen's "Eddalen." From Folkard's Plant Lore, Legends and Lyrics. 1884. |
92 |
The WakWak Tree. From Tarikh al-Hind al-Gharbi. Constantinople. 1729. |
104 |
XX |
The World Tree of the Mayas. From Cogolludo's Historia de Yucathan. 1640. |
110 |
Arber Sephirotheca. From Fludd's Utriusque Cosmi. Vol. II. 1621. |
114 |
Dionysos in the Ship. A black-figured kylix by Exekias (6th cen. B.C.), in Munich (Furtwangler-Reichhold, Griechische Vasenmalerei, No. 42). From Mythology of All Races, Vol. I, Plate XLIX. 1916. |
118 |
"And God said, Let there be Light, and there was Light." From Fludd's Medicina Catholica. 1629. |
120 |
The Rose Tree of the Rosicrucians. From Fludd's Summum Bonum. 1629. |
122 |
The Universe of the Lamas. From Waddell's The Buddhism of Tibet, or Lamaism. 1899. |
128 |
Creatio Universi. From Scheuchzer's Physica Sacra. Vol. I. 1731. |
134 |
The Wheel of Life. From Du Bose's Dragon, Image and Demon. 1887. |
138 |
The Wheel of Life. From Waddell's The Buddhism of Tibet, or Lamaism. 1899. |
142 |
A. Deus Lunus. |
152 |
B. Ophis et Ovum Mundanum. From Bryant's Ancient Mythology. Vol. II. 1774. |
152 |
C. Earth as a floating Egg. From Flammarion's Astronomical Myths. 1877. |
152 |
"A Divided Egg, or Earth." From Burnet's The Theory of the Earth. 1697. |
154 |
"The Whole Earth is an Egg." From Burnet's The Theory of the Earth. 1697. |
156 |
Frontispiece to "Almagestum Novum"; Ioannes Riccioli, 1561. From the original. |
160 |
A World-Picture of the Aztecs. First page of the Codex Ferjvy-Mayer, representing the five regions of the world, and their tutelary deities. Reproduced from Mythology of All Races. Vol. XI, Plate VI. 1920. |
190 |
The Osma Beatus World-Map, 1203. From Miller's Mappa Mundi: Die testen Weltkarten, Vol. I. 1895. |
200 |
The Earth of the Mystics--The Heart of God. From Pordage's Theologica Mystica, or The Archetypous Globe. 1683. |
214 |
Map of the World, by Petrus Apianus, printed 1530. From the original in the British Museum. Reproduced from Nordenskid's Periplus, Plate XLIV. 1897. |
Frontispiece |
Nous pervaded by the Godhead embracing the Macrocosm with the Microcosm. From The Scientific Views and Visions of Saint Hildegard, by Charles Singer. In Studies in the History and Method of Science, edited by Charles Singer. Vol. I. 1917. |
220 |
IntegrNaturSpeculum Artisque imago. From Fludd's Utriusque Cosmi. Vol. I. 1621. |
224 |
Kepler's diagram of "The Law connecting the relative distances of the planets." From Kepler's Harmonices Mundi. 1619. |
228 |
XL |
The Mundane Monochord. From Fludd's Utriusque Cosmi. Vol. I. 1621. |
234 |
Man the World Octave. From Fludd's Utriusque Cosmi. Vol. I. 1621. |
236 |
The Three World Octaves. From Fludd's Utriusque Cosmi. Vol. I. 1621. |
238 |
The Symmes Theory of Concentric Spheres. From the cover design of The Symmes Theory of Concentric Spheres, compiled by Americus Symmes. 1878. |
240 |
Gardner's Diagram of Symmes's Earth. From Gardner's A Journey to the Earth's Interior. 1920. |
242 |
Chart of the Koreshan Cosmogony. From Teed's The Cellular Cosmogony. 1905. |
246 |
The Earth according to Gardner. From Gardner's A Journey to the Earth's Interior. 1920. |
250 |
Tetrahedral Collapse of the Earth's Crust in the Southern Hemisphere. From Green's Vestiges of the Molten Globe. 1875. |
256 |
The Tetrahedral Earth. From the Sunday Magazine, New York. "World," Oct. 24, 1926. |
260 |
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