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Chapter 3. Birthday of Religion

Chapter 3

Birthday of Religion

Revised and updated by the author

In Chapter 2 we searched for the reason why the Gods came to Earth. That some of the Gods created several different races of MAN and the, so called 'sin-fall' of several Angels. Further we concluded that not only Adam en Eve were expelled from The Garden of Eden but also with them several others including Satan and his hosts. We searched for the creator of Cain and found his 'father' namely ANU, one of the triad of Gods of the Sumerian pantheon. We also found why Enki, the fellow leader of the Gods was appointed as the head of the Gods of Creation and he created more evaluated types of MAN.

In this Chapter will be revealed the story of CAIN and SETH. further we will see that religion was born during the lifetime of Enos, the son of Seth, somewhere between his birthday in 235 and 1140 (his year of death). Further we will have a closer look at Generations 1 to 6, from Adam until Jared, The story of Generation 7 to 10, The story of Enoch until Noah will be related in Chapter 4.

We've read the story from Creation to the time Adam and Eve died , in this Chapter we will read the story of the children of Adam and Eve from Seth until Jared, and the prediction of the flood by Mahalaleel and Jared. As I explained in Chapter 2 the two creation lines, the Cain and the Seth line, the Cain line is only mentioned in a short description, the Bible give more information about the Seth line, but other books gives much more details about all 'Earth Fathers.

Before we go further with the 'real' children of Adam and Eve we will first search for the lifestory of Cain and his offspring though we will see that his offspring survived for a long period of time before they were finally extinguished by Enlil (one of the triad of Gods in the Sumerian pantheon) during and shortly after the Great Flood when Enlil took over the leadership on Earth from Anu. We will also see that from the time of Jared, the 6th generation after Adam, both sides met several times and most offspring of Adam should take the side of Evil and mingled with the offspring of Cain.

A. CAIN and the "Evil side"

We already know that Cain was the creation of the God ANU and Eve and not a son of Adam and Eve, nevertheless the story of his life and the life of his offspring have to bee analyzed because their story mingled more and more with the story of SETH and his offspring so let's first have a look at the story of Cain itself.

We read in The Bible: Gn:4:1: And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord. Gn:4:2: And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. Gn:4:8: And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.

Even in the Bible we can read in the clause 'I have gotten a man from the Lord' that this can be read as they begat a son from the genes of EVE and the Lord (ANU). We will see later that this is the only possible interpretation of this text. Soon after CAIN became adult the difference between CAIN and ABEL became clear. CAIN was in nature Evil and ABEL followed the steps of his father Adam. So CAIN murdered his half-brother ABEL.

A more detailed story we can find in the Pseudepigrapha Book of Jubilees:

Note: In Jubilees is spoken about weeks (7 years) and Jubilees (7*7= 49 years), so 1 jubilee is 49 years and 1 week is 7 years, (AM = After Creation). See also the explanation in The Bible about Jubilees: Lv:25:8: And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years. Lv:25:9:Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubile to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land.

We read in Chapter 4 of The book of Jubilees as follows: 1 And in the third week in the second jubilee (63-70 AM) she (Eve) gave birth to Cain, and in the fourth (70-77 AM) she gave birth to Abel, and in the fifth (77-84 AM) she gave birth to her daughter Awan. 2 And in the first (year) of the third jubilee (99 AM), Cain slew Abel because (God) accepted the sacrifice of Abel, and did not accept the offering of Cain. 3 And he slew him in the field: and his blood cried from the ground to heaven, complaining because he had slain him.

In accordance with the story in the Bible there only lived three MAN on Earth, ADAM, EVE and CAIN, but we could read above that Jubilees also mention a daughter named Awan who was between 15 (84 AM) and 22 (77 AM) years of age when Abel was murdered. Further in Jubilees is spoken of God and in the Bible Lord, with this in mind the clause 'God accepted the sacrifice of Abel, and did not accept the offering of Cain' is not strange because God (Enki) had nothing to do with the son of the Lord (Anu); Cain was not one of his creations.

After the murder of his half-brother Abel, Cain hide himself. In The Bible we can read: Gn:4:14: Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.

CAIN was afraid but for who? He knew that only ADAM, EVE and Awan were around. Who else was living on Earth in those days? In Chapter 2 we discussed the story of the Fallen Angels who were also on Earth at that time. The conclusion can be made that Cain was afraid for them therefore Anu promised his 'son' to protect him as written: Gn:4:15: And the Lord said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.

So there were more living creatures like Cain living on Earth in those days, who were they and who created them?. In The Bible we can read: Gn:4:16: And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. As I have already mentioned the Earth was separated in three parts:

1. The Cave of Treasures, Adam and his children,
2 The land of Nod (we found the name of Cain's part), Cain and his children. Satan and his companions.
3. The forbidden zone of the Gods.

What kind of people lived in NOD, where did they came from, who created them, how did they look like?, a kind of second quality creation?, not good enough to live in Eden nor in Adam and Eve's part, or maybe a race created by another God? In The Bible we can read: Gn:4:17: And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.

The Bible do not relate where Cain's wife came from and who she was but we know one thing for sure Cain could make children with his wife in NOD so she should be like him with the same Genetic structure, who was she, but is that the real story? NO, because we can read in another book the same story but now with much more detail:

We read in Chapter 4 of The book of Jubilees as follows:

7 And Adam and his wife mourned for Abel four weeks of years (28 years), and in the fourth year of the fifth week (130 AM) (they became joyful, and Adam knew his wife again, and she bare him a son, and he called his name Seth; for he said 'GOD has raised up a second seed unto us on the earth instead of Abel; for Cain slew him.' 8 And in the sixth week ( 137-144 AM) he (Adam) begat his daughter Azura. 9 And Cain took Awan his sister to be his wife and she bare him Enoch at the close of the fourth jubilee (195 AM). And in the first year of the first week of the fifth jubilee (197 AM), houses were built on the earth, and Cain built a city, and called its name after the name of his son Enoch.

When reading the above verses and believing the authenticity of the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha books we have a problem because we must accept that Cain and Seth both married their sister. If you don't believe in Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha books you have a problem also because you must accept that, what is written in the Bible, that Cain married a wife who could not have existed in the land of Nod.

As I have already mentioned I belief that most of the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha books should be part of the Bible because it is obvious that first Man married their sisters because the evolution of the race MAN was in an early stadium and had to stay pure. Skepticisms will say 'there were no other races on the earth at that time than only their own relatives'. As noted already, in my opinion there were other creatures, produced by other God's on the earth in those days, and to avoid mixture between the different races was NOT possible or not allowed by the Gods in the beginning of their creations. (I will explain that later).

We read further in The Bible the story of the 'Cain line' Gn:4:18: And unto Enoch was born Irad: and Irad begat Mehujael: and Mehujael begat Methusael: and Methusael begat Lamech. Gn:4:19: And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah. Gn:4:20: And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle. Gn:4:21: And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. Gn:4:22: And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah. Gn:4:23: And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt.

Two murders, Lamech was even more evil than his ancestor Cain, we will see later that the two men he slew were CAIN and the son of Jabal. And Lamech also feared for his life after he had committed a murder. As we shall see further in the next verse the Bible is only talking about the children of Adam and Eve and their son Seth (the Seth line) and never speaks again about Cain and his children. Why? Maybe because the story of Cain was filled with stories that didn't fit into the beliefs of Christians and the Jews, so they simply removed the following story from the Bible.

In The Second book of Adam and Eve we can read why

Chapter 8.Adam's remarkable last words. He predicts the Flood. He exhorts his offspring to good. He reveals certain mysteries of life.

1. WHEN our father Adam saw that his end was near, he called his son Seth, who came to him in the 'Cave of Treasures', and he said unto him: - - - -

14 'But now, 0 Seth, my son, place thyself at the head of thy people; tend them and watch over them in the fear of God; and lead them in the good way. Command them to fast unto God; and make them understand they ought not to hearken to Satan, lest he destroy them. 15 'Then, again, sever thy children and thy children's children from Cain's children; do not let them ever mix with those, nor come near them either in their words or in their deeds.'

So Adam warned Seth for the 'bad' children of Cain, his 'half-brother', later in this Chapter we will see that Seth also warned his children and grandchildren for the 'bad' Cain offspring. Adam also warned Seth 'do not mix with the children of Cain', again proof that they were a different 'race'

The Dead of Cain

In The Bible is no information about the dead of Cain but in The Second Book of Adam and Eve we can read: Chapter 12. 16 But by the time Enos was eight hundred and twenty years old, Cain had a large progeny; for they married frequently, being given to animal lusts; until the land below the mountain, was filled with them. Chapter 13.' Among the children of Cain there was much robbery, murder and Sin.' 1. IN those days lived Lamech the blind, who was of the sons of Cain. He had a son whose name was Atun, and they two had much cattle. 2 But Lamech was in the habit of sending them to feed with a young shepherd, who tended them; and who, when coming home in the evening wept before his grandfather, and before his father Atun and his mother Hazina, and said to them, 'As for me, I cannot feed those cattle alone, lest one rob me of some of them, or kill me for the sake of them.' For among the children of Cain, there was much robbery, murder and sin 3 Then Lamech pitied him, and he said, 'Truly, he when alone, might be overpowered by the men of this place.' 4 So Lamech arose, took a bow he had kept ever since he was a youth, ere he became blind, and he took large arrows, and smooth stones, and a sling which he had, and went to the field with the young shepherd, and placed himself behind the cattle; while the young shepherd watched the cattle. Thus did Lamech many days. 5 Meanwhile Cain, ever since God had cast him off, and had cursed him with trembling and terror, could neither settle nor find rest in any one place; but wandered from place to place. 6 In his wanderings he came to Lamech's wives, and asked them about him. They said to him, 'He is in the field with the cattle.' 7 Then Cain went to look for him; and as he came into the field, the young shepherd heard the noise he made, and the cattle herding together from before him, 8 Then said he to Lamech, '0 my lord, is that a wild beast or a robber?' 9 And Lamech said to him, 'Make me understand which way he looks, when he comes up. 10 Then Lamech bent his bow, placed an arrow on it, and fitted a stone in the sling, and when Cain came out from the open country, the shepherd said to Lamech, 'Shoot, behold, he is coming.' 11 Then Lamech shot at Cain with his arrow and hit him in his side. And Lamech struck him with a stone from his sling, that fell upon his face, and knocked out both his eyes; then Cain fell at once and died. 12 Then Lamech and the young shepherd came up to him, and found him lying on the ground. And the young shepherd said to him, 'It is Cain our grandfather, whom thou hast killed, 0 my lord!' 13 Then was Lamech sorry for it, and from the bitterness of his regret, he clapped his hands together, and struck with his flat palm the head of the youth, who fell as if dead; but Lamech thought it was a feint; so he took up a stone and smote him, and smashed his head until he died.

Lamech (see also Gn: 4:19) was blind and he had a son whose name was ATUN, in the bible his name was Tubal Cain (see Gn: 4:20), is it possible that ATUN is the same as the Egyptian God ATON or ATOM? And Cain came to search for Lamech and the cattle of the field being herded together before Cain, and they were afraid of him, why? Lamech's son gives the answer when he said ' O, my lord, is that a Wild Beast or a Robber', there is only one possibility, Cain was very big (a Giant?) and he looked like a 'Beast'.

In the Book of Jasher we can read the same story:

2. 26 And Lamech was old and advanced in years, and his eyes were dim that he could not see, and Tubal Cain, his son, was leading him and it was one day that Lamech went into the field and Tubal Cain his son was with him, and whilst they were walking in the field, Cain the son of Adam advanced towards them; for Lamech was very old and could not see much, and Tubal Cain his son was very young. 27 And Tubal Cain told his father to draw his bow, and with the arrows he smote Cain, who was yet far off, and he slew him, for he appeared to them to be an animal. 28 And the arrows entered Cain's body although he was distant from them, and he fell to the ground and died. 29 And the Lord requited Cain's evil according to his wickedness, which he had done to his brother Abel, according to the word of the Lord which he had spoken. 30 And it came to pass when Cain had died, that Lamech and Tubal went to see the animal which they had slain, and they saw, and behold Cain their grandfather was fallen dead upon the earth. 31 And Lamech was very much grieved at having done this, and in clapping his hands together he struck his son and caused his death.

As I've already mentioned, Cain was not a son of Adam but a creation of Anu and Eve. Knowing this, the above story should not be as strange as it first appears. Even the young shepherd and his father Lamech were afraid of Cain because of the way he looked. Lamech shot Cain and killed him with a stone from his 'sling' (See also the story of David and Goliath). And Lamech was not finished killing, because he even killed his son in a terrible way. (In this Chapter we will see more evil concerning the children of Cain). Can you imagine now why Christians and Jews erased the life and death of Cain and his children from the Bible?


So far the Bible has only spoken of God or the Lord God and MAN, but from the following verses the Bible begins to speak concerning God, the Lord and MEN:

From Gn: 4:26 the Bible is speaking only of MEN and no longer speaks about MAN. What is the difference between MEN and MAN? (A different race? the difference between the Children of Seth and the Children of Cain? or the difference between the God's who created them.) I mentioned earlier concerning the birth of Cain, the primitive creation of a God (in the likeness of a God), and Eve.

Cain was the wrong creation of Anu so The Cain 'line' was evil (murder and robbery being a normal aspect in the line) and the Seth 'line' is good. Is this the reason MAN is no longer spoken of? So the creation of Cain was evil and the creation of Seth was good, as mentioned there was a fight between Good an Evil in those days because all 'Creations' still lived together before the final punishment, namely 'THE GREAT FLOOD', I will come back later to this subject.

The Children of Adam and Eve.

B. Seth and the 'good' side

As mentioned earlier Adam and Eve were 'Fallen Angels' themselves, but they regretted their sins and became good creatures and basically lived as God expected them to do.

We read in The Bible as follows: Gn:4:25: And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.Gn:5:3: And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, and after his image; and called his name Seth:

What is the meaning of 'And Adam begat a son in his own likeness, and after his image; and called his name Seth', this question has been answered already (Seth was the first 'good' son of Adam and Eve as I mentioned earlier and we will see more proof of that later).

we read in The Bible: Gn:4:26: And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.

Why began men to call upon the name of the Lord?

In The Book of Jubilees we can read the same: Chapter 4. 10 And Adam knew Eve his wife and she bare yet nine sons.11 And in the fifth week of the fifth jubilee (225 AM) Seth took Azura his sister to be his wife, and in the fourth (year of the sixth week) (235 AM) she bare him Enos. 12 He began to call on the name of the Lord on the earth.

We know form the Chapter 2 that Adam, Eve and Seth were only afraid of The God of Creation, due to his behavior and his 'slavery', they accepted the Gods as higher in rank, but they did not believe in them in a religious way, but what was the reason that Men began to worship The Lord?. Is there a difference between God and The Lord, what did God wrong that men began to call the name of The Lord only?, is it possible that the God and the other God's were temporarily out of range. (maybe temporarily back to their 'home planet'?)

What was the reason that, all at once, The God of Creation was no longer their first God but the God called 'The Lord'?, we will see later that in those days there came new visitors to the Earth named 'The Watchers' this was the beginning of the disaster that happened later, the second sin fall and the destroying of nearly all life during the Great Flood. Was there a difference between 'The God of Creation' and other Gods on one side and 'The Lord' on the other?, Yes there was, as we will read the story of Mahalaleel and Jared.

In my opinion, the reason is that during the lifetime of Adam and Eve, about 450 AM, the Gods stopped visiting the Earth themselves but they were represented by the Angels , so the grandchildren of Adam never spoke personally with the Gods. As mentioned Seth and his children, followed the way of life as Adam and Eve did and tried to live in accordance with the laws of The Gods, but we will see later that not all of them did. Further we will see later that there was indeed a change in their beliefs in those days.

The Earth Fathers

I have made The Generation Table, The Seth line, you can use to compare the timeline of the 10 Generations.

About The Generation Table we can read in The Bible: Gn:5:1: This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Gn:5:2: Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

Generation 1: Adam

In The Bible we can read: Gn:5:4: And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters: Gn:5:5: And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.

That's the whole story of Adam's death in The Bible.

In The Second book of Adam and Eve we can read much more detail: Chapter 9. The death of Adam. 1. WHEN Adam had ended his commandment to Seth, his limbs were loosened, his hands and feet lost all power, his mouth became dumb, and his tongue ceased altogether to speak. He closed his eyes and gave up the ghost. 2 But when his children saw that he was dead, they threw themselves over him, men and women, old and young, weeping. 3 The death of Adam took place at the end of nine hundred and thirty years that he lived upon the earth; on the fifteenth day of Barmudeh, after the reckoning of an epact of the sun, at the ninth hour. 4 It was on a Friday, the very day on which he was created, and on which he rested; and the hour at which he died, was the same as that at which he came out of the garden. 5 Then Seth wound him up well, and embalmed him with plenty of sweet spices, from sacred trees and from the Holy Mountain; and he laid his body on the eastern side of the inside of the cave, the side of the incense; and placed in front of him a lamp - stand kept burning. 6 Then his children stood before him weeping and wailing over him the whole night until break of day. 7 Then Seth and his son Enos, and Cainan, the son of Enos, went out and took good offerings to present unto the Lord, and they came to the altar upon which Adam offered gifts to God, when he did offer. 8 But Eve said to them, 'Wait until we have first asked God to accept our offering, and to keep by Him the soul of Adam His servant, and to take it up to rest.' 9 And they all stood up and prayed.

So Adam was embalmed by his son Seth with the spices of the secret trees from the holy mountain, so, this was the first embalming of a dead body.

Is this the reason that Egyptians did the same with their dead relatives, they learned embalming from their Ancestors 'The Sons of God?.

And Seth placed in front of Adams body a 'lamp'?, What kind of 'lamp' was it and more important, what was the meaning of this 'lamp', we will see that later.

In The Second book of Adam and Eve we can read: Chapter 10. 'Adam was the first. . .' 1. AND when they had ended their prayer, the Word of God came and comforted them concerning their father Adam. 2 After this, they offered their gifts for themselves and for their father. 3 And when they had ended their offering, the Word of God came to Seth, the eldest among them, saying unto him, '0 Seth, Seth, Seth, three times. As I was with thy father, so also shall I be with thee, until the fulfillment of the promise I made him - thy father saying, I will send My Word and save thee and thy seed. 4 'But as to thy father Adam, keep thou the commandment he gave thee; and sever thy seed from that of Cain thy brother.' 5 And God withdrew His Word from Seth. 6 Then Seth, Eve, and their children, came down from the mountain to the Cave of Treasures. 7 But Adam was the first whose soul died in the land of Eden, in the Cave of Treasures; for no one died before him, but his son Abel, who died murdered. 8 Then all the children of Adam rose up, and wept over their father Adam, and made offerings to him, one hundred and forty days.

And God warns Seth and his children against Cain and his offspring, why was it so important that they must stay severed from them?. The reason was that they lived in 'sins' and begot many bad deeds against the God of Creation. We can imagine that God knew already that the time should come that Cain and his offspring must be destroyed to prevent relation between the offspring of Cain and Seth. We can read here also that the Cave of Treasures was situated in the land of Eden, on a mountain. Further we read a dazzling story about 'spaceships / chariots' and where paradise is, after the dead of Adam in The Apocalypse of Moses and we can find proof that the Gods were Aliens from another planet or solar system.

A dazzling story comes next: Chapter 33: And Eve rose up and wiped off her tears with her hand, and the angel saith to her, ' Lift Up thyself from the earth.' And she gazed steadfastly into heaven, and beheld a chariot of light, borne by four bright eagles, it were impossible for any man born of woman to tell the glory of them or behold their face -and angels going before the chariot- and when they came to the place where your father Adam was, the chariot halted and the Seraphim. And I beheld golden censers, between your father and the chariot, and all the angels with censers and frankincense came in haste to the incense-offering and blew upon it and the smoke of the incense veiled the firmaments. And the angels fell down and worshipped God, crying aloud and saying, JA'EL, Holy One, have pardon, for he is Thy image, and the work of Thy holy hands.'

And Eve gazed steadfastly into heaven, so she was still able to fly, and she saw A CHARIOT OF LIGHT borne by four bright Eagles?, what are these four Eagles, can you imagine with our knowledge of rockets and spaceships what this could mean, I think you can, namely four ENGINES of the 'spaceship' manned by Angels to bring Eve the incense and frankincense to worship God. And the Angels cried because of the death of Adam, so they were most likely relatives of Adam.

Further we can read here clearly that another name for 'God' is JA'EL, now we know his name. 'JA'EL (Anu) the holy one'. (in Chapter 8 and 9 we will see the relation between the Gods of Sumer and the Gods of the Bible, Jubilees, Enoch and many others).

We read further in The Apocalypse of Moses: Chapter 34: And I Eve beheld two great and fearful wonders standing in the presence of God and I wept for fear, and I cried aloud to my son Seth and said, 'Rise up, Seth, from the body of thy father Adam and come to me, and thou shalt see a spectacle which no man's eye hath yet beheld.'

As mentioned God had only 'spoken' to Adam and Eve by a 'kind of phone, a long distance communicator', but now she saw for the first time 'spaceships' coming to earth again with a lot of Angels and God ( JA'EL) himself, and the seven heavens opened as we can read: Chapter 35: Then Seth arose and came to his mother and to her he saith: 'What is thy trouble? Why weepest thou?' she saith to him: 'Look up and see with thine eyes the seven heavens opened, and see how the soul of thy father lies on its face and all the holy angels are praying on his behalf and saying: 'Pardon him, Father of All, for he is Thine image.' 'Pray, my child Seth, what shall this mean And will he one day be delivered into the hands of the Invisible Father, even our God? But who are the two Negroes who stand by at the prayers for thy father Adam?'

Who is 'The Invisible Father'?, another God again?, Eve told Seth the this God was also their God, so 'The Invisible Father' must be another God but not the God of Creation (Father of all). The two Negroes?, proof again there were more Creatures in the Universe, you see that the Gods did not discriminate at that time.

We read further in The Apocalypse of Moses: Chapter 36: And Seth telleth his mother, that they are the sun and moon and themselves fall down and pray on behalf of my father Adam. Eve saith to him: 'And where is their light and why have they taken on such a black appearance' And Seth answereth her, 'The light hath not left them, but they cannot shine before the Light of the Universe, the Father of Light; and on this account their light hath been hidden from them.

These Negroes were the Sun and the Moon? and the came down to pray on behalf of Adam. Here is clearly spoken of a solar eclipse when the moon darken the sunlight. And again is spoken of a new God namely 'The father of light'


Note: Which of our readers still believe in one God ?, If you still do you are, even as our Church Fathers and the Jews, manipulating our history with open eyes, unwilling to face the truth. The attended reader have already mentioned that I don't believe in a God or Gods but I try to explain that the Gods are no more and no less than Aliens who visited and were capable to manipulate live on earth and created several different races of men and man (see the story and proof in later Chapters).

We read further in The Apocalypse of Moses : Chapter 37: Now while Seth was saying this to his mother, lo, an angel blew the trumpet, and there stood up all the angels lying on their faces, and they cried aloud in an awful voice and said: 'Blessed the glory of the Lord from the works of His making, for He hath pitied Adam the creature of His hands.' But when the angels had said these words, lo, there came one of the seraphim with six wings and snatched up Adam and carried him off to the Acherusian lake, and washed him thrice, in the presence of God. And he stayed there three hours, lying down, and thereafter the Father of all, sitting on his holy throne stretched out his hand, and took Adam and handed him over to the archangel Michael saying: 'Lift him up into Paradise unto the third Heaven, and leave him there until that fearful day of my reckoning, which I will make in the world.' Then Michael took Adam and left him where God told him.

The clause 'Blessed the glory of the Lord from the works of His making, for He hath pitied Adam the creature of His hands' is proof that the Lord is the same God as the God of Creation. The meaning of the clause 'But when the angels had said these words, lo, there came one of the seraphim with six wings and snatched up Adam and carried him off to the Acherusian lake' will be clear soon reading Chapter 39.

So God had pitied with Adam and was present at the washing of the dead body of Adam in the Acherusian lake. (a lake near the Garden of Eden?), and God took Adam and instructed Archangel Michael to bring him into Paradise IN THE THIRD HEAVEN?, at first we can interpret that Adam was brought to another planet but when we read further we'll see that the third heaven must be on Earth.

We read further in The Apocalypse of Moses : Chapter 38: But after all this, the archangel asked concerning the laying out of the remains. And God commanded that all the angels should assemble in His presence, each in his order, and all the angels assembled, some having censers in their hands, and others trumpets. And lo ! the 'Lord of Hosts' came on and four winds drew Him and cherubim mounted on the winds and the angels from heaven escorting Him and they came on the earth, where was the body of Adam. And they came to paradise and all the leaves of paradise were stirred so that all men begotten of Adam slept from the fragrance save Seth alone, because he was born 'according to the appointment of God '. Then Adam's body lay there in paradise on the earth and Seth grieved exceedingly over him.

There was a hierarchy by the Angels , because 'they assembled each in his order'. And see 'the Lord of Hosts' came down to Paradise, so this God was at first in another heaven, in the fourth or fifth or six or in the highest the seventh ?, and the Angels escorted 'the God of Hosts' to Earth. And once again we find 'spaceships' carried 'The God of Hosts' to the Earth.

As mentioned, there are several explanations for 'The Garden of Eden, 'Paradise' and 'Heavens', in my opinion The Garden of Eden was a 'space station ' a kind of colony of the Gods on Earth always situated on a mountain (the second heaven ?), Paradise is a place somewhere above the Garden of Eden (a Spaceship?, the third heaven?) 'The Heavens' are all places above the Earth (we will see later that there are seven Heavens). The word 'Paradise' was likely used for a place where the Gods resided. Not so strange as we imagine that they ware aliens from another place in the universe.

Further we read that all men slept from the fragrance, but only Seth because he was born in accordance to the appointment of God?, as mentioned Seth was the son of Adam, in his own likeness and after his image and God was happy with that, so he loved Seth and protected him against the smell of the fragrance (gas outfall of the spaceships?).

We read further in The Apocalypse Moses : Chapter 39: And God saith to him: 'Adam, what hast thou done If thou hadst kept my commandment, there would now be no rejoicing among those who are bringing thee down to this place. Yet, I tell thee that I will turn their joy to grief and thy grief will I turn to joy, and I will transform thee to thy former glory? and set thee on the throne of thy deceiver. But he shall be cast into this place to see thee sitting above him, then he shall be condemned and they that heard him, and he shall be grieved sore when he seeth thee sitting on his honorable throne.'

God spoke with Adam after his 'dead'? Was he really dead or was there another explanation for the word 'dead'? Is it possible that Adam was 'restored' in Paradise (the third heaven). YES he was as we will see later. The meaning of the clause 'there would now be no rejoicing among those who are bringing thee down to this place' is now clear after reading Chapter 37 above. There were Angels (Seraphim's) of which one with six wings who snatched up Adam's body and washed it trice, so what he did was wrong in God's eyes and he foretold Adam that their rejoicing of his dead will be transformed to them in grief. The explanation of the word Seraphim's can't be no other then the fallen Angels. Further is clear that the 'Seraphim with the six wings' was a powerful Angel because he possessed a 'honorable throne' on which Adam will be placed later as God promise him.

We read further in The Apocalypse Moses : Chapter 40:Then God spake to the archangel's Michael, (Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael): 'Go away to Paradise in the third heaven, and strew linen clothes and cover the body of Adam and bring oil of the 'oil of fragrance' and pour it over him. And they acted thus did the three great angels and they prepared him for burial. And God said: 'Let the body of Abel also be brought.' And they brought other linen clothes and prepared his also. For he was unburied since the day when Cain his brother slew him; for wicked Cain took great pains to conceal but could not, for the earth would not receive him for the body sprang up from the earth and a voice went out of the earth saying: 'I will not receive a companion body, till the earth which was taken and fashioned in me cometh to me.' At that time, the angels took it and placed it on a rock, till Adam his father was buried. And both were buried, according to the commandment of God, in the spot where God found the dust, and He caused the place to be dug for two. And God sent seven angels to paradise and they brought many fragrant spices and placed them in the earth, and they took the two bodies and placed them in the spot which they had digged and builded.

The meaning of the clause ' For he was unburied since the day when Cain his brother slew him; for wicked Cain took great pains to conceal but could not, for the earth would not receive him' can only be explained that Cain tried to hide the body of Abel for the Gods but he failed because we can read 'At that time, the angels took it and placed it on a rock, till Adam his father was buried'. So the Angels were capable to secure the body of Abel several hundred of years before he was prepared for his 'final' burial, together with his father Adam.

When we look at The Generation Table we know that Abel was already dead for about 900 years, still he was also embalmed like his father Adam and was buried together with Adam in the same place, Can you imagine that a body already dead for 900 years can still be embalmed, I don't think so, the only possibility is that the body of Abel was 'secured' in another way at first. (deep frozen?).

The clause 'Go away to Paradise in the third heaven' Again proof that 'Paradise' is in the third heaven, a spaceship above the Earth and not on the Earth itself. Adam was buried in the place where the Angels had dug and built, this is the opposite of the story where Seth visited the body of his father Adam in 'The Cave of Treasures', perhaps these spots were near each other but one thing is clear, the burial place of Adam en Abel was situated on a mountain on Earth itself. We've seen already that there are 'The Angels of Heaven' and now we see also 'ARCH-Angels'. We will see later that some of the Arch Angels also sinned against God and became the Fallen Angels after the great flood.

Note: this story sounds familiar when we look at the way the Egyptians embalmed and buried their Pharaoh's and other important persons, is it possible that the Egyptians learned embalming from their Gods or from the Archangels? YES they did as we will see later.

We read further in The Apocalypse Moses : Chapter 41 And God called and said, 'Adam, Adam.' And the body answered from the earth and said: 'Here am I, Lord.' And God saith to him: 'I told thee earth thou art and to earth shalt thou return. Again I promise to thee the Resurrection; I will raise thee up in the Resurrection with every man who is of thy seed.'

So God spoke to Adam again after his death and Adam spoke to God, was Adam really dead or was he only sleeping?, YES, as we will see later.

We read further in The Apocalypse Moses : Chapter 42 After these words, God made a seal and sealed the tomb, that no one might do anything to him for six days till his rib should return to him. Then the Lord and his angels went to their place. And Eve also, when the six days were fulfilled, fell asleep. But while she was living, she wept bitterly about Adam's falling on sleep, for she knew not where he was laid. For when the Lord came to paradise to bury Adam she was asleep, and her sons too, except Seth, till He bade Adam be prepared for burial; and no man knew on earth, except her son Seth. And Eve prayed (in the hour of her death) that she might be buried in the place where her husband Adam was. And after she had finished her prayer, she saith: 'Lord, Master, God of all rule, estrange not me thy handmaid from the body of Adam, for from his members didst thou make me. But deem me worthy, even me unworthy that I am and a sinner, to enter into his tabernacle, even as I was with him in paradise, both without separation from each other; just as in our transgression, we were led astray and transgressed thy command, but were not separated. Even so, Lord, do not separate us now.' But after she had prayed, she gazed heavenwards and groaned aloud and smote her breast and said: 'God of All, receive my spirit,' and straightway she delivered up her spirit to God.

And God made a seal and sealed the tomb of Adam. and also did the Egyptians later. And Eve fell asleep, just as Adam had?, is it possible that the meaning of 'burial' of Adam and Eve is that God and the Angels prepared them for their journey to their original home-planet where they lived before they were brought to 'paradise' before the sin fall, Where they prepared for a long trip somewhere in the Universe, (in the seventh heaven), where they sealed in a 'tomb'?.

Note: it would be possible that Adam was prepared in the way we can see today in science fiction films like 'Aliens, Aliens 2' etc?. Is the meaning of the word 'TOMB' a kind of 'life cabin' where the bodies of astronauts are saved for a long time to survive on a long trip throughout the universe?.

During the trip to 'Paradise', before the 'tomb' of Adam was sealed, all fell asleep except Seth, Why, could the reason be so simple that Seth had to go back to Earth because his time of life on Earth was not ended yet. After the preparation of the bodies of Adam and Abel for their GREAT TRIP TO THEIR HOME-PLANET, Seth left 'Paradise' after the embalming of Adam and Abel, and came back to Earth together with their bodies (there was one body still missing, the body of Eve, and the Arch Angel Michael told him why:

We read further in The Apocalypse Moses : Chapter 43 And Michael came and taught Seth how to prepare Eve for burial. And there came three angels and they buried her where Adam's body was and Abel's. And thereafter Michael spake to Seth and saith: 'Lay out in this wise every man that dieth till the day of the Resurrection.' And after giving him this rule; he saith to him: 'Mourn not beyond six days, but on the seventh day, rest and rejoice on it, because on that very day, God rejoiceth and we angels with the righteous soul, who hath passed away from the earth.' Even thus spake the angel, and ascended into heaven, glorifying and saying: 'Allelujah.' holy is the Lord, in the glory of God the Father, for to Him it is meet to give glory, honour and worship, with the eternal life-giving spirit now and always and for ever. Amen. holy is the Lord of Hosts. To whom be glory and power for ever and for ever Amen. Then the archangel Joel glorified God; saying, 'Holy Lord, heaven and earth are full of thy glory.'

The clause 'And after giving him this rule; he saith to him: 'Mourn not beyond six days, but on the seventh day, rest and rejoice on it, because on that very day, God rejoiceth and we angels with the righteous soul, who hath passed away from the earth.' is proof that Seth was set as the leader 'King' of men and Gabriel told Seth that the righteous Archangels would pass away from Earth.

So the 'burial' of Adam, Abel and Eve was finished and Seth began his journey 'home' and Seth came back to Earth and lived further with his children, but the bodies of Adam, Abel and Eve were still waiting for their 'journey home' and temperately saved in the place where the Angels had dug and built, on Earth, waiting until a 'spaceship' arrived to bring them 'home', this would take a long time as we will see later, until the days of Jared.

Conclusion so far:

1. 'The Creator God' is also called 'The Father of all', 'JA'EL' (Sumerian Anu) and 'Lord' but is not the same as 'The Invisible Father' and 'The God of Hosts', also called 'The Invisible Lord' and finally 'The father of light'
2. The Seraphim's were in opposition to 'The God of Hosts' and the righteous Angels.
3. 'The Archangels' are not the same as 'The Angels of Heaven'
4. The garden of Eden was a space station of the Gods situated on a mountain. (the second heaven)
5. Paradise was a spaceship of the Gods (the third heaven)
6. The burial place of Adam, Abel and Eve was called 'The cave of Treasures' and was situated under the garden of Eden on the same mountain (the first heaven).
7. The neighborhood of the cave of treasures was also the homeland of Seth and his children.
8. Cain and his offspring lived on the Earth itself (Sumerian Underworld, see later Chapter 8,9 and 10).

Generation 2: Seth 'The Children of God'

In accordance to the book of Jubilees Seth and his children were named 'The Children of God'. The book of Jubilees, the book of Enoch and other books differentiate between 'The children of God' and Cain and his children, as I referred to in Chapter 2 and above, Cain and his offspring were from another 'race' than Seth and his children and were called man.

With that in mind we will have a closer look at Seth and his children.

In The Bible we can read: Gn:5:6: And Seth lived an hundred and five years, and begat Enos: Gn:5:7: And Seth lived after he begat Enos eight hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters: Gn:5:8: And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years: and he died.

That's all the bible has to see about Seth, but again we can read much more detail in other 'holy' books

In The Book of Jubilees we can read much more information: Chapter 4. 7 And Adam and his wife mourned for Abel four weeks of years, (99-127 AM) and in the fourth year of the fifth week (130 AM) they became joyful, and Adam knew his wife again, and she bare him a son, and he called his name Seth; for he said 'GOD has raised up a second seed unto us on the earth instead of Abel; for Cain slew him.' 8 And in the sixth week (134-140 AM) he begat his daughter Azura. 9 And Cain took Awan his sister to be his wife and she bare him Enoch at the close of the fourth jubilee. (196 AM) And in the first year of the first week of the fifth jubilee, (197 AM) houses were built on the earth, and Cain built a city, and called its name after the name of his son Enoch.

As I mentioned already in Chapter 2 Cain went to the land called Nod, in the book of Jubilees we read that Cain took with him his sister Awan and married her and built a city called Enoch, after the name of his son.

Note: Some scholars belief that Enoch was the same as Enoch, the son of Yared, and Lamech, the father of Noah, the same as Lamech the blind, who slew his grand-grand-father Cain but in my opinion that's impossible because the children of the Cain and the Seth line had no contact with each other until the time of Yared when Cain was already old. Cain was already dead for years when Lamech the father of Noah was and old man. See also The Generation Table.

In The Bible we can read: Gn:4:16: And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. Gn:4:17: And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.

Herewith end the story of Cain in the Bible (in the Chapter 1 and 2 of the Book of Jasher you can find more information about the offspring of Cain.

We go back to the story of Seth: In The Book of Jubilees we can read: 10 And Adam knew Eve his wife and she bare yet nine sons. 11 And in the fifth week of the fifth jubilee (225-231 AM) Seth took Azura his sister to be his wife, and in the fourth year of the sixth week) (235 AM) she bare him Enos. 12 He began to call on the name of the Lord on the earth.

The children of Adam and Eve married their own sister and also 8 generation after them. We will see in the next Chapters that as long as they continued marriage with their own relatives their lifetime should last for about 1,000 years and reduced in only a few generations to about 120 years when they mingled with man after the great flood. With the birth of Enos religion was born because Enos was the first who began to call the name of the Lord on Earth, why? As I mentioned already the Gods and Angels had passed away from Earth and he was not able to talk with the Gods personally.

As spoken of in the beginning of this Chapter the God JA'EL (Anu), the creator of Adam and Eve and the 'father' of Cain handed over his power, during the lifetime of Enos, as leader of the Gods on Earth to Enlil (EL) and Enki (YAH) and retrieved to the third heaven (paradise in the Bible). Because of that it was for Adam, Seth and Enos impossible to speak with their God personally anymore. (see also the story in later chapters when we discuss the Sumerian Gods).

So was born religion.

Note :The definition of the word 'religion' is the lack of personal contact with beings who could be contacted before personally and face to face.

Seth versus Cain

In The Second Book of Adam and Eve we can read: Chapter. 11. Seth becomes head of the most happy and just tribe of people who ever lived. 1. After the death of Adam and of Eve, Seth severed his children, and his children's children, from Cain's children. Cain and his seed went down and dwelt westward, below the place where he had killed his brother Abel.

To prevent mingling Seth executed the will of his father Adam en The Gods and severed his children from the children of Cain.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 2 But Seth and his children, dwelt northwards upon the mountain of the Cave of Treasures, in order to be near to their father Adam. 3 And Seth the elder, tall and good, with a fine soul, and of a strong mind, stood at the head of his people; and tended them in innocence, penitence, and meekness, and did not allow one of them to go down to Cain's children. 4 But because of their own purity, they were named 'Children of God,' and they were with God, instead of the hosts of angels who fell; for they continued in praises to God, and in singing psalms unto Him, in their cave - the Cave of Treasures. 5 Then Seth stood before the body of his father Adam, and of his mother Eve, and prayed night and day, and asked for mercy towards himself and his children; and that when he had some difficult dealing with a child, He would give him counsel.

With the clause ' But Seth and his children, dwelt northwards upon the mountain of the Cave of Treasures, in order to be near to their father Adam' we have proof again that what was mentioned earlier in this Chapter is true, they lived near the Cave of Treasures' on the mountain, also called the second heaven. The children of Cain lived down, below the place where Abel was murdered. Seth severed his children from the children of Cain because Seth did everything to prevent any intercourse with the children of Cain because they were from another 'race' called 'man' and they were evil and lived on Earth. We will see later that they lived together with a host of Fallen Angels (Seraphim's). Later in this Chapter we will see that Seth and his children were called 'The Watchers' who were instructed by the Gods to instruct the children of Cain from the time of Enoch..

And they were with God and were named 'Children of God', instead of the hosts of angels who fell? proof again that also in the days of Seth there were still 'fallen Angels' on Earth. The bodies of Adam, Eve and Abel were still in the Cave of Treasures because Seth was able to visit them to praise God and his parents.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 6 But Seth and his children did not like earthly work, but gave themselves to heavenly things; for they had no other thought than praises, doxologies, and psalms unto God. 7 Therefore did they at all times hear the voices of angels, praising and glorifying God; from within the garden, or when they were sent by God on an errand, or when they were going up to heaven. 8 For Seth and his children, by reason of their own purity, heard and saw those angels. Then, again, the garden was not far above them, but only some fifteen spiritual cubits. 9 Now one spiritual cubit answers to three cubits of man, altogether forty-five cubits.10 Seth and his children dwelt on the mountain below the garden; they sowed not, neither did they reap; they wrought no food for the body. not even wheat; but only offerings. They ate of the fruit and of trees well flavoured that grew on the mountain where they dwelt.

Here is again spoken of the 'Cave of Treasures' and how it was situated on a mountain, near the 'launching platform, space-colony' The Garden of Eden', in a short distance namely 45 cubits of man (about 40 cm), so about 18 meters, the distance would be about right because they could hear and see the Angels praising God. A strange detail is also that Seth and his children could see the Angels send by the Gods on an errand coming and going up to Heaven, I think its clear now that 'The Garden of Eden' was indeed a landing platform for space-ships pending from Earth to 'Heaven', to their home planet. Seth and his children did not like earthy work?, and they only ate of the fruit and of the trees that grew on the mountain below the garden of Eden (spaceport of the Gods).

I hope I have convinced the reader that the reason why the quoted books are not part of the Bible, indeed, because their is no other explanation possible than that there are several Gods, Angels, Fallen Angels, different 'races', spaceships, spaceports etc. and these phenomena's don't fit in the monotheism story in the Bible.

If I didn't convince some readers I hope to do so continuing the story.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 11 Then Seth often fasted every forty days, as did also his eldest children. For the family of Seth smelled the smell of the trees in the garden, when the wind blew that way. 12 They were happy, innocent, without sudden fear, there was no jealousy, no evil action, no hatred among them. There was no animal passion; from no mouth among them went forth either foul words or curse; neither evil counsel nor fraud. For the men of that time never swore, but under hard circumstances, when men must swear, they swore by the blood of Abel the just. 13 But they constrained their children and their women every day in the cave to fast and pray, and to worship the most High God. They blessed themselves in the body of their father Adam, and anointed themselves with it. 14 And they did so until the end of Seth drew near.

And Seth came often to the cave to see the bodies of Adam and Eve, so they were still on Earth waiting for their journey 'home'. (as mentioned here it was written that the bodies of Adam, Abel and Eve where still on the Earth. Seth and his children lived like the Angels and were without sins. Seth and his children were named MEN or 'THE CHILDREN OF GOD', proof again that there is indeed a difference between MEN an MAN.

The Death of Seth

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter 12. Seth's family affairs. His death. The headship of Enos. How the outcast branch of Adam's family fared. 1. THEN Seth, the just, called his son Enos, and Cainan, son of Enos, and Mahalaleel, son of Cainan, and said unto them:- 2 'As my end is near, I wish to build a roof over the altar on which gifts are offered.' 3 They hearkened to his commandment and went out, all of them, both old and young, and worked hard at it, and built a beautiful roof over the altar. 4 And Seth's thought, in so doing, was that a blessing should come upon his children on the mountain; and that he should present an offering for them before his death. 5 Then when the building of the roof was completed, he commanded them to make offerings. They worked diligently at these, and brought them to Seth their father who took them and offered them upon the altar; and prayed God to accept their offerings, to have mercy on the souls of his children, and to keep them from the hand of Satan.

Seth wished to build a roof over the altar before his dead and his children worked hard, and for the first time in their lives they did earthly work. For the first time is now spoken of 'Satan' so they new about the 'Fallen Angels' who lived with the children of Cain. We will see later during the rule of Jared that his fear was well grounded.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 6 And God accepted his offering, and sent His blessing upon him and upon his children. And then God made a promise to Seth, saying, 'At the end of the great five days and a half, concerning which I have made a promise to thee and to thy father, I will send My Word and save thee and thy seed.' 7 Then Seth and his children, and his children's children, met together, and came down from the altar, and went to the 'Cave of Treasures' - where they prayed, and blessed themselves in the body of our father Adam, and anointed themselves with it.

For the second time here is spoken of the anointing of the body of Adam, what was the reason of it?, In my opinion they checked often to make sure the bodies were secured for the future, until the time they should be brought back to 'Heaven', to their home-planet.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 8 But Seth abode in the Cave of Treasures, a few days, and then suffered, sufferings unto death. 9 Then Enos, his first born son, came to him, with Cainan, his son, and Mahalaleel, Caiman's son, and Jared, the son of Mahalaleel, and Enoch, Jared's son, with their wives and children to receive a blessing from Seth. 10 Then Seth prayed over them, and blessed them, and adjured them by the blood of Abel the just, saying, 'I beg of you my children, not to let one of you go down from this Holy and pure Mountain. 11 Make no fellowship with the children of Cain the murderer and the sinner, who killed his brother; for ye know, 0 my children, that we flee from him, and from all his sin with all our might because he killed his brother Abel.'

And again the children of Seth were warned for the children of Cain the sinners. Seth lived with his children and grandchildren on the, so called, Holy and Pure Mountain. It seems to be that Seth was still feared because again he warned his offspring for the offspring of Cain and their evil deeds.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter 12. 12 After having said this, Seth blessed Enos, his first born son, and commanded him habitually to minister in purity before the body of our father Adam, all the days of his life; then, also, to go at times to the altar which he Seth had built. And he commanded him to feed his people in righteousness, in judgment and purity all the days of his life. 13 Then the limbs of Seth were loosened; his hands and feet lost all power; his mouth became dumb and unable to speak; and he gave up the ghost and died the day after his nine hundred and twelfth year; on the twenty - seventh day of the month Abib; Enoch being then twenty years old. 14 Then they wound up careful the body of Seth, and embalmed him with sweet spices, and laid him in the Cave of Treasures, on the right side of our father Adam's body, and they mourned for him forty days. They offered gifts for him, as they had done for our father Adam.

Seth was embalmed and buried at the right side of his father Adam, So the bodies of Adam, Abel and Eve where still on the Earth in those days (1,042 years after creation), was God waiting for something?, Yes, as we will see later.

Generation 3: Enos

Again we can read much more information about the life of Enos in other books, the bible only gives a short description about his rule.

In The Bible we can read: Gn:5:9: And Enos lived ninety years, and begat Cainan: Gn:5:10: And Enos lived after he begat Cainan eight hundred and fifteen years, and begat sons and daughters: Gn:5:11: And all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five years: and he died.

That's all the bible has to see about Enos, but again we can read much detail in other 'holy' books

In The Book of Jubilees we can read: Chapter 4. 11 And in the fifth week of the fifth jubilee (225-231 AM) Seth took Azura his sister to be his wife, and in the fourth year of the sixth week) (235 AM) she bare him Enos. 12 He began to call on the name of the Lord on the earth. 13 And in the seventh jubilee in the third week (309-315 AM) Enos took Noam his sister to be his wife, and she bare him a son in the third year of the fifth week (325 AM), and he called his name Kenan. (Cainan)

And again Enos also married his sister.

In The Second Book of Adam and Eve we can read: Chapter 12. 15 After the death of Seth, Enos rose at the head of his people, whom he fed in righteousness, and judgment, as his father had commanded him. 16 But by the time Enos was eight hundred and twenty years old, Cain had a large progeny; for they married frequently, being given to animal lusts; until the land below the mountain, was filled with them.

We can read here clearly the difference between the Cain and Seth line, the difference between good and evil. Chapter 13 tells the story of Lamech 'the blind' and the dead of Cain (see above).

The Death of Enos

In The Second Book of Adam and Eve we can read: Chapter 14. Time, like an ever rolling stream, bears away another generation of men. 1. WHEN Enos was nine hundred years old, all the children of Seth, and of Cainan, and his first-born, with their wives and children, gathered around him, asking for a blessing from him. 2 He then prayed over them and blessed them, and adjured them by the blood of Abel the just saying to them, 'Let not one of your children go down from this Holy Mountain, and let them make no fellowship with the children of Cain the murderer.'

And also Enos warned his children for the children of Cain. We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 3 Then Enos called his son Cainan and said to him, 'See, 0 my son, and set thy heart on thy people, and establish them in righteousness, and in innocence; and stand ministering before the body of our father Adam, all the days of thy life.' 4 After this Enos entered into rest, aged nine hundred and eighty five years; and Cainan wound him up, and laid him in the Cave of Treasures on the left of his father Adam; and made offerings for him, after the custom of his fathers.

And also Enos was buried by the 'Earth Fathers', so the bodies of Adam, Abel, Eve and Seth were still on the Earth in those days (1,140 years after creation).

Generation 4: Cainan (Kenan)

Again we can read much more information about the life of Cainan in other books, the bible only gives a short description about his rule.

In The Bible we can read: Gn:5:12: And Cainan lived seventy years and begat Mahalaleel: Gn:5:13: And Cainan lived after he begat Mahalaleel eight hundred and forty years, and begat sons and daughters: Gn:5:14: And all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years: and he died.

That's all the bible has to see about Cainan, but again we can read more detail in other 'holy' books

In The Book of Jubilees we can read: Chapter 4. 14 And at the close of the eighth jubilee (386-3992 AM) Kenan took Mualeleth his sister to be his wife, and she bare him a son in the ninth jubilee, in the first week in the third year of this week, (395 AM) and he called his name Mahalalel. (Mahalaleel)

And again he also married his sister.

In the Book of Jasher we can read: 2.11 And Cainan grew up and he was forty years old, and he became wise and had knowledge and skill in all wisdom, and he reigned over all the sons of men, and he led the sons of men to wisdom and knowledge; for Cainan was a very wise man and had understanding in all wisdom, and with his wisdom he ruled over spirits and demons; 12 And Cainan knew by his wisdom that God would destroy the sons of men for having sinned upon earth, and that the Lord would in the latter days bring upon them the waters of the flood. 13 And in those days Cainan wrote upon tablets of stone, what was to take place in time to come, and he put them in his treasures. 14 And Cainan reigned over the whole earth, and he turned some of the sons of men to the service of God.

In the days of Cainan we can read that Spirits and Demons existed on Earth, so short after creation? We found again proof that more creations were created by the Gods. What is the meaning of the clause 'And Cainan ruled over the whole earth, and he turned some of the sons of men to the service of God'? Cainan was the first who was ordered by the Gods to 'Watch" and minister the children of Cain and Demons and Monsters and some of them did choice the service of God. We can read here the beginning of the changing relations between the offspring of Cain and Seth. The Gods instructed Cainan and his children to "Watch" over the whole earth. During the rule time of Mahalaleel, the son of Cainan, the first problems arose (see later).

In The Second Book of Adam and Eve we can read: Chapter 15. The offspring of Adam continue to keep the Cave of Treasures as a family shrine. 1. AFTER the death of Enos, Cainan stood at the head of his people in righteousness and innocence, as his father had commanded him; he also continued to minister before the body of Adam, inside the Cave of Treasures. 2 Then when he had lived nine hundred and ten years, suffering and affliction came upon him. And when he was about to enter into rest, all the fathers with their wives and children came to him, and he blessed them, and adjured them by the blood of Abel, the just, saying to them, 'Let not one among you go down from this Holy Mountain; and make no fellowship with the children of Cain the murderer.' 3 Mahalaleel, his firstborn son, received this commandment from his father, who blessed him and died. 4 Then Mahalaleel embalmed him with sweet spices, and laid him in the Cave of Treasures, with his fathers; and they made offerings for him, after the custom of their fathers.

And again the children of Cainan were warned for the children of Cain. Also Cainan was buried by the 'Earth Fathers', so the bodies of Adam, Abel, Eve Seth and Enos were still on the Earth in those days (1,235 years after creation).

Generation 5: Mahalaleel

Again we can read much more information about the life of Mahalaleel in other books, the bible only gives a short description about his rule. In The Bible we can read: Gn:5:15: And Mahalaleel lived sixty and five years, and begat Jared: Gn:5:16: And Mahalaleel lived after he begat Jared eight hundred and thirty years, and begat sons and daughters: Gn:5:17: And all the days of Mahalaleel were eight hundred ninety and five years: and he died.

That's all the bible has to see about Mahalaleel.

But again we can read much more detail in other 'holy' books and we will see now the reason why Men began to call upon the name of 'The Lord' As I mentioned already in the beginning of this Chapter, something important happened shortly before the birth of Jared.

In The Book of Jubilees we can read: Chapter 4. 15 And in the second week of the tenth jubilee (449-455 AM) Mahalalel took unto him to wife Dinah, the daughter of Barakiel the daughter of his father's brother, and she bare him a son in the third week in the sixth year, (461 AM) and he called his name Jared, for in his days the angels of the Lord descended on the earth, those who are named the Watchers, that they should instruct the children of men, and that they should do judgment and uprightness on the earth.

Mahalaleel was the first who did not married one of his sisters but instead his niece (the daughter of his uncle), most probably because he was the only offspring of Cainan the wise.

The Angels of The Lord' descended on the Earth about 449 AM and they are named 'The Watchers', they were send by 'The Lord' to Earth to instruct Men to do judgment and uprightness. But why?, We know that All Children of Adam and Eve did nothing but Good until that day (449 AM). Where the 'Watchers' send to Men?, I don't think so. In my opinion the Watchers were send to the children of Cain (Man) who lived down the Holy Mountain.

There can be no other explanation than that the children of Seth now are called 'the Watchers' and 'The Angels of the Lord', instead of 'The Children of God'. They were instructed to do judgment and uprightness under the offspring of Cain. We will see later in Chapter 4 in the story of 'The Children of God' that sinned, and 'The Watchers' that most of them failed in their mission and they too fell for the daughters of men ( the daughter of the offspring of Cain) and became also 'Fallen Angels'. From the time of Jared 'The Children of God', the Seth line, began to have trouble with 'the Devil (Satan), see the story of Jared, next.

In The Second Book of Adam and Eve we can read: Chapter 16. The good branch of the family is still afraid of the children of Cain. 1. THEN Mahalaleel stood over his people, and fed them in righteousness and innocence, and watched them to see they held no intercourse with the children of Cain.

For the fist time is now written ' and watched them to see they held no intercourse with the children of Cain' and not 'make no fellowship with the children of Cain'. This is proof that they were from that time on called 'The Watchers', the following verse make this also very clear:

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 2 He also continued in the Cave of Treasures praying and ministering before the body of our father Adam, asking God for mercy on himself and on his people; until he was eight hundred and seventy years old, when he fell sick. 3 Then all his children gathered unto him, to see him, and to ask for his blessing on them all, ere he left this world. 4 Then Mahalaleel arose and sat on his bed, his tears streaming down his face, and he called his eldest son Jared, who came to him. 5 He then kissed his face, and said to him, '0 Jared, my son, I adjure thee by Him who made heaven and earth, to watch over thy people, and to feed them in righteousness and in innocence; and not to let one of them go down from this Holy Mountain to the children of Cain, lest he perish with them.

In this verse we can clearly read that Mahalaleel already knew that his children would go down from the mountain to make intercourse with the children of Cain. He also predicts to his son Jared the disaster that would happen when they do so.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 6 'Hear, 0 my son, hereafter there shall come a great destruction upon this earth on account of them; God will be angry with the world, and will destroy them with waters. 7 'But I also know that thy children will not hearken to thee, and that they will go down from this mountain and hold intercourse with the children of Cain, and that they shall perish with them. 8 '0 my son! teach them, and watch over them, that no guilt attach to thee on their account.' 9 Mahalaleel said, moreover, to his son Jared, 'When I die, embalm my body and lay it in the Cave of Treasures, by the bodies of my fathers; then stand thou by my body and pray to God; and take care of them, and fulfill thy ministry before them, until thou enterest into rest thyself.' 10 Mahalaleel then blessed all his children; and then lay down on his bed, and entered into rest like his fathers. 11 But when Jared saw that his father Mahalaleel was dead, he wept, and sorrowed, and embraced and kissed his hands and his feet; and so did all his children. 12 And his children embalmed him carefully, and laid him by the bodies of his fathers. Then they arose, and mourned for him forty days.

And also Mahalaleel warned his children for the children of Cain and he foresaw that the children of Jared should have intercourse with the children of Cain and he foretold the Flood as a punishment for their coming sins.

The clause 'Hear, 0 my son, hereafter there shall come a great destruction upon this earth on account of them; God will be angry with the world, and will destroy them with waters' is proof that Mahalaleel was already informed by the Gods that the offspring of Cain would be destroyed by a flood due to their way of life. He knew that also a lot of his offspring would sin and would be destroyed together with the offspring of Cain and with them also a lot of Watchers, as we can clearly read in the clause ' 'But I also know that thy children will not hearken to thee, and that they will go down from this mountain and hold intercourse with the children of Cain, and that they shall perish with them.

After his dead Mahalaleel was also buried by 'the Earth Fathers', so the bodies of Adam, Abel, Eve Seth Enos and Cainan were still on the Earth in those days (1,290 years after creation).

Generation 6: Jared (Yared)

The beginning of intercourse between the children of Seth (Men) and the children of Cain (Man)

In The Bible we can read: Gn:5:18: And Jared lived an hundred sixty and two years, and he begat Enoch: Gn:5:19: And Jared lived after he begat Enoch eight hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: Gn:5:20: And all the days of Jared were nine hundred sixty and two years: and he died.

That's all the Bible has to see about Jared.

And again we can read much more detail in other 'holy' books and we will see now the reason why Men began to call upon the name of 'The Lord' As I mentioned already in the beginning of this Chapter, something important happened during the rule time of Jared.

In The Book of Jubilees we can read: Chapter 4. 16 And in the eleventh jubilee (490-539 AM) Jared took to himself a wife, and her name was Baraka, the daughter of Rasujal, a daughter of his father's brother, in the fourth week of this jubilee, (511-518 AM) and she bare him a son in the fifth week, in the fourth year of the jubilee (522 AM), and he called his name Enoch.

And for the second time Jared also married his niece and not his sister.

In The Generation Table we could already seen that there is a difference in the years of Enoch between The Bible and Jubilees, In the Bible Enoch was born 622 years AM but in Jubilees and Jasher Enoch was born 522 years AM, a difference of 100 years, it's possible that Jared was 62 years old when Enoch was born instead of 162 years (Bible). It's obvious that Jared got problems with his children regarding the laws of God because in his time 'The Devil, (Satan) was on the Earth and appeared often to him and his children, see the story that comes next.

In The Second Book of Adam and Eve we can read: Chapter. 17. Jared turns martinet. He is lured away to the land of Cain where he sees many voluptuous sights. Jared barely escapes with a clean heart. 1. THEN Jared kept his father's commandment, and arose like a lion over his people. He fed them in righteousness and innocence, and commanded them to do nothing without his counsel. For he was afraid concerning them, lest they should go to the children of Cain. 2 Wherefore did he give them orders repeatedly; and continued to do so until the end of the four hundred and eighty-fifth year of his life.

And the change came when Jared was 485 years old? ( 945 years after creation ), strange because Jared's father Mahalaleel died 1,290 years after creation, so this must be a mistake in the translation of the scrolls and Jared's age should at least be 885 years (a hole of 400 years), 55 years after his father Mahalaleel died. (see later proof of this in verse 8)

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 3 At the end of these said years, there came unto him this sign. As Jared was standing like a lion before the bodies of his fathers, praying and warning his people, Satan envied him, and wrought a beautiful apparition, because Jared would not let his children do aught without his counsel.

Even as his father and grandfather Jared ruled over his children as a King and sometimes more or less as a Dictator, his word was law. Nevertheless the children of Cain and the 'Fallen Angels' tried to pursued him to leave the righteous way of living. At first the were not successful so they tried to use another tactic as we will see soon.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 4 Satan then appeared to him with thirty men of his hosts, in the form of handsome men; Satan himself being the elder and tallest among them, with a fine beard. 5 They stood at the mouth of the cave, and called out Jared, from within it. 6 He came out to them, and found them looking like fine men, full of light, and of great beauty. He wondered at their beauty and at their looks; and thought within himself whether they might not be of the children of Cain. 7 He said also in his heart, 'As the children of Cain cannot come up to the height of this mountain, and none of them is so handsome as these appear to be; and among these men there is not one of my kindred - they must be strangers.'

Satan appeared to Jared with 30 hosts in the form of handsome Men and found them looking like fine men, full of light, and of great beauty. Satan looked like an old men and Jared saw that he did not belong to his family. Also that he did not belong to the children of Cain as well. There is only one interpretation left, the children of Cain were looking different as his children, in other books is said that 'their appearance was like beasts', in other words they looked like beasts and were ugly.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 8 Then Jared and they exchanged a greeting and he said to the elder among them, '0 my father, explain to me the wonder that is in thee, and tell me who these are, with thee; for they look to me like strange men.' 9 Then the elder began to weep, and the rest wept with him; and he said to Jared, 'I am Adam whom God made first; and this is Abel my son, who was killed by his brother Cain, into whose heart Satan put to murder him. 10 'Then this is my son Seth, whom I asked of the Lord, who gave him to me, to comfort me instead of Abel. 11 'Then this one is my son Enos, son of Seth, and that other one is Cainan, son of Enos, and that other one is Mahalaleel, son of Cainan, thy father.'

As mentioned by verse 1, the age of Jared was at least 400 years older. You can read above that Satana told Jared that he was Adam, but Adam died in the year 965 AM and also his father Mahalaleel was already dead. So I hope this problem is solved. Another proof that the Gods and the righteous Angels were not on Earth during this time is written above because 'Satana' could do what he was doing with his hosts without interference of the Gods and the righteous Angels and the reader can be sure that they should interfere when they were present, to prevent a further disaster.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 12 But Jared remained wondering at their appearance, and at the speech of the elder to him. 13 Then the elder said to him, 'Marvel not, 0 my son; we live in the land north of the garden, which God created before the world. He would not let us live there, but placed us inside the garden, below which ye are now dwelling. 14 'But after that I transgressed, He made me come out of it, and I was left to dwell in this cave; great and sore troubles came upon me; and when my death drew near, I commanded my son Seth to tend his people well; and this my commandment is to be handed from one to another, unto the end of the generations to come. 15 'But, 0 Jared, my son, we live in beautiful regions, while you live here in misery, as this thy father Mahalaleel informed me; telling me that a great flood will come and overwhelm the whole earth. 16 'Therefore, 0 my son, fearing for your sakes, I rose and took my children with me, and came hither for us to visit thee and thy children; but I found thee standing in this cave weeping, and thy children scattered about this mountain, in the heat and in misery. 17 'But, 0 my son, as we missed our way, and came as far as this, we found other men below this mountain; who inhabit a beautiful country, full of trees and of fruits, and of all manner of verdure; it is like a garden; so that when we found them we thought they were you; until thy father Mahalaleel told me they were no such thing. 18 'Now, therefore, 0 my son, hearken to my counsel, and go down to them, thou and thy children. Ye will rest from all this suffering in which ye are. But if thou wilt not go down to them, then, arise, take thy children, and come with us to our garden; ye shall live in our beautiful land, and ye shall rest from all this trouble, which thou and thy children are now bearing.'

This is a strange part of the story because Jared was in the Cave were his ancestors were buried. He knew that their bodies were still in the Cave, so why did he believe Satana? Furthermore the story is a little strange because Satana tells Jared that they live in misery but in earlier Chapters is spoken of living in a paradise with fruit trees, near the garden of Eden. A second strange part of the above text is that Satana knew already that a great flood will come and overwhelm the whole Earth? Satana could only know that if he had the power and knowledge knowing the future, like the Gods. The conclusion can be made that Satana possessed the information and knowledge to 'foresee' the coming flood. There is even another possibility, Satana had the opportunity to eavesdrop the Gods.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 19 But Jared when he heard this discourse from the elder, wondered; and went hither and thither, but at that moment he found not one of his children. 20 Then he answered and said to the elder, 'Why have you hidden yourselves until this day?' 21 And the elder replied, 'If thy father had not told us, we should not have known it.' 22 Then Jared believed his words were true. 23 So that elder said to Jared, 'Wherefore didst thou turn about, so and so?' And he said, 'I was seeking one of my children, to tell him about my going with you, and about their coming down to those about whom thou hast spoken to me.' 24 When the elder heard Jared's intention, he said to him, 'Let alone that purpose at present, and come with us; thou shalt see our country; if the land in which we dwell pleases thee, we and thou shall return hither and take thy family with us. But if our country does not please thee, thou shalt come back to thine own place.' 25 And the elder urged Jared, to go before one of his children came to counsel him otherwise. 26 Jared, then, came out of the cave and went with them, and among them. And they comforted him, until they came to the top of the mountain of the sons of Cain.

It is obvious that Jared was not capable to contact his Gods otherwise he had done so before making the decision to go down with Satana. Again proof that the Gods and Angels were not on Earth at that time, and Satana was aware of that. Jared was so confused about all this that he forgot to ask the Angels in the Garden of Eden who were nearby and he could contact them by 'phone' but he didn't (we will see that he contacted the Angels later in this story). And Jared came out of the Cave and went with them down. They came to 'the top' of the mountain were the children of Cain lived?, there is only one explanation: Jared and his children lived on a mountain and the children of Cain on a hill.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 27 Then said the elder to one of his companions, 'We have forgotten something by the mouth of the cave, and that is the chosen garment we had brought to clothe Jared withal.' 28 He then said to one of them, 'Go back, thou, some one; and we will wait for thee here, until thou come back. Then will we clothe Jared and he shall be like us, good, handsome, and fit to come with us into our country.' 29 Then that one went back. 30 But when he was a short distance off, the elder called to him and said to him, 'Tarry thou, until I come up and speak to thee.' 31 Then he stood still, and the elder went up to him and said to him, 'One thing we forgot at the cave, it is this, to put out the lamp that burns inside it, above the bodies that are therein. Then come back to us, quick.'

Satana ordered one host to put out the lamp in the Cave of Treasures, above the bodies that are therein, What is the meaning of THE LAMP ABOVE the bodies?, Was it a kind of ELECTRIC light (secure system) to 'secure' the bodies of the 'Earth Fathers' waiting for their journey to their 'home-planet'?, I believe that the bodies were placed in a tomb a kind of 'life cabin' to secure the bodies for a very long time (keep in mind the film Aliens). The host of Satana pulled out the power cord from the 'secure instruments' meaning to destroy the 'secured' bodies so they would die. I hope that the reader can imagine why Satana and his hosts of Fallen Angels hated Adam and his children so extremely that he tried to destroy them forever.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 32 That one went, and the elder came back to his fellows and to Jared. And they came down from the mountain, and Jared with them; and they stayed by a fountain of water, near the houses of the children of Cain and waited for their companion until he brought the garment for Jared. 33 He, then, who went back to the cave, put out the lamp, and came to them and brought a phantom with him and showed it them. And when Jared saw it he wondered at the beauty and grace thereof, and rejoiced in his heart believing it was all true.

What was that Phantom?, It was something that looked beautiful and with grace, when Jared saw it he rejoiced about it. Was it a communication machine (TV or Telephone)?. I think it was an instrument that was placed in the Cave of Treasures, possible to be used in case of an emergency to contact the Angels of Heaven. Satana and his hosts were aware of that and that's the reason they took it with them. And Jared used the Phantom a little later (see next verse 45).

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 34 But while they were staying there, three of them went into houses of the sons of Cain and said to them, 'Bring us today some food by the fountain of water, for us and our companions to eat.' 35 But when the sons of Cain saw them, they wondered at them and thought: 'These are beautiful to look at, and such as we never saw before.' So they rose and came with them to the fountain of water, to see their companions.

The hosts of Satana appeared to the children of Cain in the likeness of the children of Seth but they were not recognized as such , proof that they never saw the children of Seth before. Furthers is clear that the children of Cain looked much different, so their bodies must have looked very ugly and strange. (We noticed that reading Chapter 2, and will see later that this was indeed the truth). The attended reader have already noticed that during that time 'The Watchers' had not arrived yet because the children of Cain saw beautiful bodies for the first time.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 36 They found them so very handsome, that they cried aloud about their places for others to gather together and come and look at these beautiful beings. Then they gathered around them both men and women. 37 Then the elder said to them, 'We are strangers in your land, bring us some good food and drink, you and your women, to refresh ourselves with you.' 38 When those men heard these words of the elder, every one of Cain's sons brought his wife, and another brought his daughter, and so, many women came to them; every one addressing Jared either for himself or for his wife; all alike. 39 But when Jared saw what they did, his very soul wrenched itself from them; neither would he taste of their food or of their drink. 40 The elder saw him as he wrenched himself from them, and said to him, 'Be not sad; I am the great elder, as thou shalt see me do, do thyself in like manner.' 41 Then he spread his hands and took one of the women, and five of his companions did the same before Jared, that he should do as they did. 42 But when Jared saw them working infamy he wept, and said in his mind, My fathers never did the like. 43 He then spread his hands and prayed with a fervent heart, and with much weeping, and entreated God to deliver him from their hands. 44 No sooner did Jared begin to pray than the elder fled with his companions; for they could not abide in a place of prayer.

And the children of Cain came in great amount and looked upon these beautiful beings and offered them their wife's and daughters to please them. Jared saw Satana and five of his companions doing infamy things with the women of the children of Cain. He didn't know what they are doing because he said to himself 'My fathers never did the like'. Satana and his companions fled when Jared started praying to God. But Jared was not praying, he used the Phantom to communicate with the Angels of Heaven in case of an emergency. He did and we can read next that they were not pleased they were called up.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 45 Then Jared turned round but could not see them, but found himself standing in the midst of the children of Cain. 46 He then wept and said, '0 God, destroy me not with this race, concerning which my fathers have warned me; for now, 0 my Lord God, I was thinking that those who appeared unto me were my fathers; but I have found them out to be devils, who allured me by this beautiful apparition, until I believed them. 47 'But now I ask Thee, 0 God, to deliver me from this race, among whom I am now staying, as Thou didst deliver me from those devils. Send Thy angel to draw me out of the midst of them; for I have not myself power to escape from among them.' 48 When Jared had ended his prayer, God sent His angel in the midst of them, who took Jared and set him upon the mountain, and showed him the way, gave him counsel, and then departed from him.

The clause ' 0 God, destroy me not with this race, concerning which my fathers have warned me' is again proof that Jared belonged to another 'race' then the children of Cain. Further we can read In the above verse that this was indeed an emergency and Jared thought that he was allowed to use the Phantom but nevertheless Jared was counseled by the Angel of God for using the Phantom without permission.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter. 18. Confusion in the Cave of Treasures. Miraculous speech of the dead Adam. 1. THE children of Jared were in the habit of visiting him hour after hour, to receive his blessing and to ask his advice for every thing they did; and when he had a work to do, they did it for him. 2 But this time when they went into the cave they found not Jared, but they found the lamp put out, and the bodies of the fathers thrown about, and voices came from them by the power of God, that said, 'Satan in an apparition has deceived our son, wishing to destroy him, as he destroyed our son Cain.' 3 They said also, 'Lord God of heaven and earth, deliver our son from the hand of Satan, who wrought a great and false apparition before him.' They also spake of other matters, by the power of God. 4 But when the children of Jared heard these voices they feared, and stood weeping for their father; for they knew not what had befallen him. 5 And they wept for him that day until the setting of the sun.

It is obvious that Jared guarded the Cave of Treasures from the time Satana was in the neighborhood, so he new that Satana would try to destroy the instruments in the cave if he had the chance to do so. Also the children of Jared new that and the became very frightened when they found the lamp 'out' and the bodies 'thrown about', The reader can imagine that Satana was still angry with Adam, even 1,300 years after they were expelled from The Garden of Eden, Satana still blamed Adam and waited a long time for a chance to get his revenge on Adam and his relatives.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: 6 Then came Jared with a woeful countenance, wretched in mind and body, and sorrowful at having been separated from the bodies of his fathers. 7 But as he was drawing near to the cave, his children saw him, and hastened to the cave, and hung upon his neck, crying, and saying to him, '0 father, where hast thou been, and why hast thou left us, as thou wast not wont to do?' And again, '0 father, when thou didst disappear, the lamp over the bodies of our fathers went out, the bodies were thrown about, and voices came from them' 8 When Jared heard this he was sorry, and went into the cave; and there found the bodies thrown about, the lamp put out, and the fathers themselves praying for his deliverance from the hand of Satan. 9 Then Jared fell upon the bodies and embraced them, and said, '0 my fathers, through your intercession, let God deliver me from the hand of Satan! And I beg you will ask God to keep me and to hide me from him unto the day of my death.' 10 Then all the voices ceased save the voice of our father Adam, who spake to Jared by the power of God, just as one would speak to his fellow, saying, '0 Jared, my son, offer gifts to God for having delivered thee from the hand of Satan; and when thou bringest those offerings, so be it that thou offerest them on the altar on which I did offer. Then also, beware of Satan; for he deluded me many a time with his apparitions, wishing to destroy me, but God delivered me out of his hand. 11 'Command thy people that they be on their guard against him; and never cease to offer up gifts to God.' 12 Then the voice of Adam also became silent; and Jared and his children wondered at this. Then they laid the bodies as they were at first; and Jared and his children stood praying the whole of that night, until break of day. 13 Then Jared made an offering and offered it up on the altar, as Adam had commanded him. And as he went up to the altar, he prayed to God for mercy and for forgiveness of his sin, concerning the lamp going out. 14 Then God appeared unto Jared on the altar and blessed him and his children, and accepted their offerings; and commanded Jared to take of the sacred fire from the altar, and with it to light the lamp that shed light on the body of Adam.

An unbelievable story that the 'Earth Fathers' woke up for a moment and spoke to Jared and his children. Why did they woke up and became silent again (did they die?), except for Adam who warned him again for Satana. But did Adam die too when he became silent? God commended Jared to take of the 'secret' fire (Electricity) to 'secure' them again, but we will see later that it was already too late and they all finally died. (about 1300 years after creation), is that the real story?, maybe but there is another possibility, the restored light of the lamp was in time to save them and, later on, when Enoch was taken from the Earth by God, took the bodies with him to 'Paradise' There is even a third possibility that only the body of Adam was saved because in the book of Jubilees is written that Noah was ordered by God to take the body of Adam out of the Cave of Treasures to save it in the Ark.

We read further in The Second Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter. 19 The children of Jared are led astray. 1. THEN God revealed to him again the promise He had made to Adam; He explained to him the 5500 years, and revealed unto him the mystery of His coming upon the earth. 2 And God said to Jared, 'As to that fire which thou hast taken from the altar to light the lamp withal, let it abide with you to give light to the bodies; and let it not come out of the cave, until the body of Adam comes out of it. 3 But, 0 Jared, take care of the fire, that it burn bright in the lamp; neither go thou again out of the cave until thou receivest an order through a vision, and not in an apparition, when seen by thee. 4 'Then command again thy people not to hold intercourse with the children of Cain, and not to learn their ways; for I am God who loves not hatred and works of iniquity.' 5 God gave also many other commandments to Jared, and blessed him. And then withdrew His Word from him. 6 Then Jared drew near with his children, took some fire, and came down to the cave, and lighted the lamp before the body of Adam; and he gave his people commandments as God had told him to do. 7 This sign happened to Jared at the end of his four hundred and fiftieth year; as did also many other wonders, we do not record. But we record only this one for shortness sake, and in order not to lengthen our narrative.

And God revealed Jared the period of 5,500 years, as told to Seth when Adam died 'At the end of the great five days and a half (5500 years), concerning which I have made a promise to thee and to thy father, I will send My Word and save thee and thy seed.'

A calculation of these 5,500 years tells us that their seed shall be 'saved' 5,500 years after Adam an Eve were expelled from 'The Garden of Eden', so in the year 5,507 after creation. Most scholars belief that creation took place about 4,004 BC. when we calculate this year, the resurrection of Adam and Eve should have taken place about 1500 AD. As we all know nothing happened about 1,500 AD., so there must be another explanation, is it possible that God mentioned about their journey home in their 'life cabin'?, in that case their 'home planet' should be 5,500 light-years from Earth. (when we imagine that they could travel with light-speed in their 'chariots')

There are two more possibilities left, namely:

1. That Enoch indeed was taken to God together with the bodies of the Earth Fathers, in that case the resurrection will take place about the year 2,845 AD. (2,655 BC + 5,500 years)

2. That in the days of the 'flood' the Gods left Earth together with the bodies of the patriarchs Adam to Lamech (generation 1 to 9) then the resurrection will take place about 3,156 AD. (2,344 BC + 5,500 years)

The truth is hidden in the future.

With the above in mind it's not strange that God again told Jared to be careful with the 'light' 'let it abide with you to give light to the bodies; and let it not come out of the cave'.

As mentioned in Chapter 17 of the second book of Adam and Eve, is my opinion that the age of Jared was also wrong translated, the sign happened in his 815th year.

Final Conclusions Chapter 3:

*. 'The Creator God' is also called 'The Father of all', 'JA'EL' and 'Lord' but is not the same as 'The Invisible Father' and 'The God of Hosts', also called 'The Invisible Lord' and finally 'The father of light'

*. The Seraphim's were in opposition to 'The God of Hosts' and the righteous Angels.

*. 'The Archangels' are not the same as 'The Angels of Heaven'

*. The garden of Eden was a space station of the Gods situated on a mountain. (the second heaven)

*. Paradise was a spaceship of the Gods (the third heaven)

*. The burial place of Adam, Abel and Eve was called 'The cave of Treasures' and was situated under the garden of Eden on the same mountain (the first heaven).

*. The neighborhood of the cave of treasures was also the homeland of Seth and his children.

*. Cain and his offspring lived on the Earth itself.

* The 'Earth Fathers' from Adam until Mahalaleel, total 5 generations, were 'secured' in a 'life cabin' in the Cave of Treasures for later transport to their home-planet.

* The children of Seth were called 'The Children of God' and were no relatives to our Ancestors

* 'The Watchers' also called 'The Angels of The Lord' were the same as the Children of Seth or 'The Children of God' who were instructed by the Gods in the time of Jared to teach judgment and uprightness by the offspring of Cain

* The children of Cain were called 'The children of Man' and were also no relatives to our Ancestors.

* There is indeed a difference between MAN (Cain, evil) and MEN (Seth, good) because even the Bible makes this difference as we can read in the verses Gn:4:16 - 24: about the children of Cain and at the other side the children of Seth, verses Gn:4:25 - Gn:5:32

* I belief that the reason why most of mankind who lived and now live on this planet have religious thoughts because our ancestors are really creations of these Aliens (Gods, Elohim etc.).

* It is obvious that Monotheism is not the original belief of ancient mankind, Monotheism spread over 'civilized' world at the time Aliens had left Earth (shortly before the Flood).

* Believe it or not they (the Elohim, Angels, Nephilim and Fallen Angels really lived in those days together with (our) 'ancestors'.

* In later Chapters we will see that our Ancestors (Homo Sapiens) were created shortly before or after the Great Flood.

In the next Chapter we will look at The Generation Table from the period of Enoch until Noah, before the Great Flood.

I've created a Creature table (this table will be used in my whole book):

The CREATURE table

The GODS, ELOHIM (AN, ENLIL, ENKI and others) 'GODS'
Heavenly and Arch Angels, Seraphim, Nephilim. 'ANGELS'
The Fallen Angels: Satana, Adam and Eve, Watchers 'Naphilim'
The Children of the Devil and Watchers, Cain MAN 'GIANTS'
Adam, Eve (The Children of God), SETH - NOAH MAN, Watchers 'Nephilim'
The Demy GOD'S (Chapter 5, 6 and 7) 'Anakim'
DEMONS and MONSTERS, children of the evil Giants 'DEMONS'
HOMO SAPIENS (MEN) created shortly after the great flood 'MEN'


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