Preface": The real story about Ancient times

Preface": The real story about Ancient times

My Manuscript

Ancient Times History

Earth's Ancient History The real story about Ancient times Preface L.C. Geerts I grew up in the period shortly after the Second World War in the Netherlands. This was a time in which our parents had to rebuild our partly…

The Book of the Dead, Preface

The Book of the Dead, Preface

The Book of Dead

book of the dead

THE BOOK OF THE DEADThe Papyrus of Ani by E. A. WALLIS BUDGE Late keeper of Assyrian and Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum [1895] PREFACE.The Papyrus of Ani, which was acquired by the Trustees of the British Museum in…

Ancient Sumer

Ancient Sumer

Ancient Sumer

sumer sumerian

Mesopotamia with thanks to The History Guide What is good in a man's sight is evil for a god, What is evil to a man's mind is good for his god. Who can comprehend the counsel of the gods in…

The Oera Linda Book, Intro

The Oera Linda Book, Intro

The Oera Linda Book

Oera Linda Book

The Oera Linda Book Forgery or Fact There exists one very old Frisian manuscript named the Oera Linda book. It's forewords were written in AD 1256, although its main section was a diary kept about 2000 years, which was put…

Atlantis in the Critias by Plato

Atlantis in the Critias by Plato

Ancient Atlantis

atlantis plato critias

CRITIAS by Plato 360 BC translated by Benjamin Jowett New York, C. Scribner's Sons, [1871] PERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE: CRITIAS; Those who actually take part in the dialogues: Timaeus - there is no historical record of him. Critias - Plato's…

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Welcome to Earth-History

On this website you will find many Books, Manuscripts and Texts, of which most are in the Public Domain. The Publications are grouped by Continent and by Country or Area.

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Welcome to Earth-History

Welcome to my completely renovated website, now with many

new features. My old HTML website is still available if you have a slow

connection, but will NOT be updated in the future.

This website consist of several parts.

1. The pre-publication of a book I started in September 1998 consisting of my theory about Ancient Times.

The first 7 chapters are published and accesable for the public right now.

2. The publication of Ancient texts, especially from the Near East, of which some were gathered from the Internet (with thanks to the publishers) and others from my own library.

On this website you can find a lot of translations of ancient texts from Sumer and Babylonia and the Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha and Sacred texts, most of them I used as a source for my book.

The title of my book :

'Earths Ancient History, a theory about ancient times and dawn of Mankind'

The final book will be published in the USA by the end of 2013.

The book consists of separated parts:

Part 1: Biblical stories

Introduction Preface
chapter 1 The Bible and Monotheism
chapter 2 Creations
chapter 3 Birthday of Religion
chapter 4 Children of God and Watchers
chapter 5 The Giants Nephilim and Anakim
chapter 6 The Great Flood
chapter 7 The Generations of Shem
chapter 8 Gilgamesh and Nimrod (will be published Januari 2012)
chapter 9 The real homeland of the Jews (will be published Januari 2012)
appendix A Sources and Index A - Z (will be published Februari 2012)

Human Alien History on Earth

Part 2: Mesopotamia

This part will be available about March 2012, only for subcribed users.

You can subcribe from medio 2012.

By subscription You will receive a unique login name and password to enter the secure part of this website when chapter 10 is published.

If you like to be notified when the next chapter's will be published, Join my mailing list

chapter 10 Mesopotamian stories and links with the Bible
chapter 11 Mesopotamians and their Gods part 1
chapter 12 Mesopotamians and their Gods part 2
chapter 13 Introduction to The Sumerian King list
chapter 14 The Sumerian King list
chapter 15 Nibiru or Planet X
chapter 16 The Babylonian King list
chapter 17 The Assyrian King list
appendix B Sources and Index A - Z

Part 3: Compendium

Chapters that will be published in 2012/2013

chapter 18 The Real timeline of Egypt
chapter 19 Myths and legends of Greece
chapter 20 Aryans and the Mahabharata
chapter 21 Atlantis and Lumeria, Mu

Part 4: Final Conclusions

Chapters that will be published in 2013

chapter 22 Our ancestors
chapter 23 The puzzle solved
chapter 24 Our future
appendix c Sources and Index A - Z
Supplement New discoveries

Pleas fee free to explore the many books and sources published on this website

Ancient Texts

On this website you will find many Books, Manuscripts and Texts, of which most are in the Public Domain.

The Publications are grouped by Continent and by Country or Area, a lot of them were also used as a source for my Manuscript.

This website will be updated often with more ancient texts.

New Additions:

Go to New additions page


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United States 68.9%United States
Canada 9.1%Canada
Russian Federation 6.6%Russian Federation
Germany 3%Germany
United Kingdom 2.4%United Kingdom
Australia 1.5%Australia
Netherlands 0.9%Netherlands
France 0.7%France
Romania 0.6%Romania
Sweden 0.4%Sweden

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