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Index Ancient Atlantis


There are many stories, theories and possible locations about the lost continent of Atlantis.

But Atlantis is not the only ante-diluvium world that disappeared in the sea.

In accordance with other stories there was another continent or island that sunk in the ocean in ancient times called Lemuria or Mu.

A website dedicated to Atlantis you can find HERE

Atlantis and the Anunnaki

1. Stories about Atlantis


1. Timaeusand Critias, two of Plato's dialogues, are the most prominent ancient records which specifically refer to Atlantis. Plato wrote several dialogues conversations between Socrates, Hermocrates, Timeaus, and Critias.

The story of Atlantis was conveyed to Solon by Egyptian priests. Solon passed the tale to Dropides, the great-grandfather of Critias. Critias learned of it from his grandfather also named Critias, son of Dropides.

2. The Oera Linda Bookfrom Holland (Frysia) is said to be one of the oldest books ever found. It tells of the destruction of the large Atlantic island by earthquakes and tidal waves.

" During the whole summer, the sun hid itself behind the clouds, as if unwilling to shine upon the earth. In the middle of the quietude, the earth began to quake as if it was dying. The mountains opened up to vomit forth fire and flames. Some of them sunk under the earth while in other places mountains rose out of the plains... Atland disappeared, and the wild waves rose so high over the hills and dales that everything was buried under the seas. Many people were swallowed up by the earth, and others who had escaped the fire perished in the waters."

3. Ancient writingsfrom the Aztecs and Mayans like the Chilam Balam , Dresden Codex, Popuhl Vuh , Codex Cortesianus, and Troano Manuscript were also translated into histories of the destruction of Atlantis and Lemuria.

4. Diodorusthe ancient Greek historian wrote that thousands of years earlier Phoenicians had been to the immense Atlantic island (where Plato wrote Atlantis was.

5. Phoenicianhieroglyphics have been found on numerous ruins in the South American jungles that are so ancient that the Indian tribes nearby lost memory of who built these ruins.

6. Ammianus Marcellinusthe Greek historian wrote about the destruction of Atlantis.

7. Plutarchwrote about the lost continent in his book Lives.

8. Herodotus, regarded by some as the greatest historians of the ancients, wrote about the mysterious island civilization in the Atlantic.

9. Timagenusthe Greek historian wrote of the war between Atlantis and Europe and said tribes in ancient France said that was their original home.

10. Bright paintingsin caves in France clearly show people wearing 20th century clothing: one painting led to an underground pyramid complex. French historian and archaeologist Robert Charroux dated them at 15,000 B.C.

11. Claudius Aelianusreferred to Atlantis in his 3rd century work The Nature of Animals.

12. Theopompos- a Greek historian - wrote of the huge size of Atlantis and its cities of Machimum and Eusebius and a golden age free from disease and manual labor.

13. The tablet from Lhasa, Tibet and also from Easter Island make It is clear from ancient writings that belief in Atlantis was common and accepted in Greece, Egypt, and Mayax {Mayan and Aztec Empires) by historians.

14. The Basquesof Spain, the Gualsof France, the Celts of Scotland and Ireland, the tribes of the Canary and Azoresislands, a tribe (Frysians ) in Holland, and dozens of Indian tribesall speak of their origins in a large lost and sunken Atlantic land in which they all believe.

Through the ages and eras these stories about Atlantis became more and more a legend for most historians.

There is even enough evidence that Atlantis once existed in ancient times.

2. Modern Theories About Atlantis

See the videos of Ancient Atlantis


In 1882, Ignatius Donnelly, a U.S. congressman from Minnesota, brought the legend into the American consciousness with his book, Atlantis the Antediluvian World . In 1883 he wrote another book about Atlantis, Ragnarok the age of fire and gravel .

James Churchwardwrote several volumes of books documenting ancient writings he claims to have translated in Southeast Asia concerning Atlantis and Mu, while geologist William Niven claimed to have excavated identical tablets in Mexico.

Dr. George Hunt Williamson, who authored several books on his Atlantean-Lemurian research in the 1950's, was an anthropologist explorer once listed in Who's Who in America. Williamson wrote how descendants of the Incas led him to an ancient manuscript in a temple in the Andes Mountains that told of the destruction of Atlantis and Mu, which had an advanced technology, by earthquakes and tidal waves. Williamson also visited dozens of Indian tribes in the United States and Mexico that told him of Atlantis and Mu, including the Hopi Indians.

and many others.

3. Places of Atlantis and Lemuria (Mu)

The Atlantic ocean near the Azores islands

Many researchers believe that Atlantis is near the Azores Islands. The Azores are a group of islands belonging to Portugal located about 900 miles (1500 km) west of the Portuguese coast. Some people believe the islands are the mountaintops of the sunken continent of Atlantis.

Crete (Santorini, Thera),

By Egyptian record, Keftiu was destroyed by the seas in an apocalypse. It seems likely Solon carried legends of Keftiu to Greece, where he passed it to his son and grandson.

Plato recorded and embellished the story from Solon's grandson Critias the Younger. As in many ancient writings, history and myth were indistinguishably intermixed. Plato probably translated "the land of the pillars which held the sky" (Keftiu) into the land of the titan Atlas (who held the sky). Comparison of ancient Egyptian records of Keftiu identifies a number of similarities to Plato's Atlantis. It seems likely that Plato's Atlantis was a retelling (and renaming) of Egypt's Keftiu.

When Plato identified the location of the land he named Atlantis, he placed it to the west-in the Atlantic Ocean. In reality, Egyptian legend placed Keftiu west of Egypt, not necessarily west of the Mediterranean. In describing Atlantis as an island (or continent) in the Atlantic Ocean, we suspect Plato was merely wrong in his interpretation of the Egyptian legend he was retelling.

More significantly, there is another Atlantis-like story that was closer to Plato's world, in terms of time and geography... and it is based in fact. The Minoan Civilization was a great and peaceful culture based on the island of Crete, which reigned as long ago as 2200 B.C. The Minoan island of Santorini, later known as Thera, was home to a huge volcano. In 1470 B.C., it erupted with a force estimated to be greater than Krakatoa, obliterating everything on Santorini's surface. The resulting earthquakes and tsunamis devastated the rest of the Minoan Civilization, whose remnants were easily conquered by Greek forces.

Perhaps Santorini was the "real" Atlantis. Some have argued against this idea, noting Plato specified that Atlantis sank 10,000 years ago, but the Minoan disaster had taken place only 1,000 years earlier. Still, it could be that translation errors over the centuries altered what Plato really wrote, or maybe he was intentionally blurring the historical facts to suit his purposes. And there exists yet another strong possibility: that Plato entirely made Atlantis up himself.

Regardless, his story of the sunken continent went on to captivate the generations that followed. Other Greek thinkers, such as Aristotle and Pliny, disputed the existence of Atlantis, while Plutarch and Herodotus wrote of it as historical fact. Atlantis became entrenched in folklore all around the world, charted on ocean maps and sought by explorers.

Note : In my opinion was Keftiu (Crete) so called by the Egyptians not the same spot as the Atlantis story by Plato.

The Great ocean near Sumatra in Indonesia

As told in India, Egypt and several others

The North sea

As told by the Frysians and the Celts

At present North pole (Thule)

The Germans and the Nordic Scandinavians spoke of a vanished continent in the North Atlantic Ocean called Thule with the civilization of Hyperborea located on it. Thule reportedly stretched into what is now the northern polar ice cap where it is buried underneath miles of ice so we cannot see it.

Between Africa and South America

As told in Africa, Greece and others

In the Bermuda Triangle

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945)

Edgar Cayce became the U.S.'s most prominent advocate of a factual Atlantis. Widely known as The Sleeping Prophet, Cayce claimed the ability to see the future and to communicate with long-dead spirits from the past. He identified hundreds of people -- including himself -- as reincarnated Atlanteans.

Cayce said that Atlantis had been situated near the Bermuda island of Bimini. He believed that Atlanteans possessed remarkable technologies, including supremely powerful "fire-crystals" which they harnessed for energy. A disaster in which the fire-crystals went out of control was responsible for Atlantis's sinking, he said, in what sounds very much like a cautionary fable on the dangers of nuclear power. Remaining active beneath the ocean waves, damaged fire-crystals send out energy fields that interfere with passing ships and aircraft -- which is how Cayce accounted for the Bermuda Triangle.

and many others.

Plato in his dialogues Critias and Timaeus

His story began to unfold for him around 355 B.C. He wrote about this land called Atlantis in two of his dialogues, Timaeus and Critias, around 370 B.C. Plato said that the continent lay in the Atlantic Ocean near the Straits of Gibraltar until its destruction 10,000 years previous.

Plato described Atlantis as alternating rings of sea and land, with a palace in the center 'bull's eye'.

Plato used a series of dialogues to express his ideas. In this type of writing, the author's thoughts are explored in a series of arguments and debates between various characters in the story.

A character named Critias tells an account of Atlantis that has been in his family for generations. According the character the story was originally told to his ancestor Solon, by a priest during Solon's visit to Egypt.

According to the dialogues, there had been a powerful empire located to the west of the "Pillars of Hercules" (what we now call the Straight of Gibraltar) on an island in the Atlantic Ocean.

The nation there had been established by Poseidon, the God of the Sea.

Poseidon, god of the sea, sired five pairs of male twins with mortal women. Poseidon appointed the eldest of these sons, Atlas the Titan, ruler of his beautiful island domain. Atlas became the personification of the mountains or pillars that held up the sky. Plato described Atlantis as a vast island-continent west of the Mediterranean, surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. The Greek word Atlantis means the island of Atlas, just as the word Atlantic means the ocean of Atlas.

The capital city of Atlantis was a marvel of architecture and engineering. The city was composed of a series of concentric walls and canals. At the very center was a hill, and on top of the hill a temple to Poseidon. Inside was a gold statue of the God of the Sea showing him driving six winged horses.

About 9000 years before the time of Plato, after the people of Atlantis became corrupt and greedy, the Gods decided to destroy them. A violent earthquake shook the land, giant waves rolled over the shores, and the island sank into the sea never to be seen again.

Atlantis was governed in peace, was rich in commerce, was advanced in knowledge, and held dominion over the surrounding islands and continents. By Plato's legend, the people of Atlantis became complacent and their leaders arrogant; in punishment the Gods destroyed Atlantis, flooding it and submerging the island in one day and night. Although Plato was the first to use the term "Atlantis," there are antecedents to the legend. There is an Egyptian legend which Solon probably heard while traveling in Egypt, and was passed down to Plato years later. The island nation of Keftiu, home of one of the four pillars that held up the sky, was said to be a glorious advanced civilization which was destroyed and sank beneath the ocean.

Note : In my opinion are all the above places mixed up from ancient times and the stories scattered throughout the eras were more or less put together by scientists.

In my book I will explain that there were at least 3 sunken continents (islands) in ancient times :

1. Atlantis, situated in the Atlantic Ocean, about 9,000 BC.

2. Lemuria (Mu), situated in the Pacific Ocean, about 20,000 BC.

3. The Egyptian Keftiu, situated in the Aegean See (Santorini, Thera), about 1,600 BC.


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