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Index: M-R


Ma, the goddess, serpent form of, 76; Tiamat and, 150; goddess of Comana, 267.

Magic and poetry, 236 et seq.

Magician, the great, Ea as, 38.

Magyars, language of and the Sumerian, 3.

Mahabharata, the (măhä´bha″rătă), 67, 68; the various Indras in, 10t; Karna myth in, 126; eagle myth, 166; Bhima like Gilgamesh in, 187; Naturalism and Totemism in, 291, 292, 293; the "wheel of life" in, 346-347; the Shakuntala legend in, 423, 424.

Mama (mä´mä), the mother goddess, 57, 267; as Creatrix, 100.

Man, creation of, 38; Ea desired, 148; Merodach sheds blood for, 148; Berosus legend, 148, 149, 150.

Man bull, the winged, 65.

Manasseh, King of Judah, idolatries of, 473; legend of Isaiah's end, 474; captivity of, 474; Ashur-bani-pal and, 486.

Manishtusu (män-ish-tü´sü), successor of Sargon I, empire of, 127.

Mannai (män´nai), state of, 473, 486.

Manu (măn´oo), the Indian patriarch, like Babylonian Noah, 27; the fish and flood myth, 27, 28, 196.

Mara (mä´ra), the European demon of nightmare, 69.

Marduk (mär´duk). See Merodach.

Marduk-balatsu-ikbi (mar´duk-bal´atsü-ik-bi), King of Babylonia, defeat of by Shamshi-Adad VII, 415, 416.

Marduk-bel-usate (mar´duk-bel-ü-sä´te), revolt of in Babylonia, 408, 409.

Marduk-zakir-shum (mar´duk-zä-kir´-shüm), King of Babylonia, 408; a vassal of Assyria, 409.

Mari (mä´ri), king of Damascus, as the Biblical Ben Hadad III, 438, 439.

Marriage contracts, in Hammurabi code, 225 et seq.

Marriage market of Babylon, the, 224, 225.

Marriage of deities, the Hittite, 268. Mars, Horus as, 300, 304; month of, 305; as "bronze fish stone", 314; the Gaulish mule god as, 316; in astrology, 318.

Mars, Nergal, wolf planet of pestilence, as, 301, 303, 316.

Mars, the planet, boar slayer of Adonis as, 87; in sun and moon group, 301.

Maruts (măr´oots), the Indian, like Anu's demons, 34, 64.

Mashi (mäshi), the mountain of, in Gilgamesh epic, 177, 178.

Maspero, Professor, on antiquity of Hittites, 264; on Assyrian colonists, 456.

"Masters, the", Burial earth and air spirits, 105.

Mati-ilu (ma´ti-i´lü), of Agusi, relations of with Assyria and Urartu, 443, 446, 447; overthrow of by Tiglath-pileser IV.

Mattiuza (mat-ti-ü´za), King of Mitanni, flight of, 283; as Hittite vassal, 284.

May Day, fire ceremonies of, 50.

Mead, of the gods, 45; blood as, 48; eagle steals, 74.

Measurer, the, moon as, 52.

Medes, III; in Hammurabi Age, 244; Sargon II and, 460; Ashur-bani-pal and, 486; and fall of Nineveh, 488; Scythians and, 472, 488; alliance of with Lydia, 494; Cyrus as King of, 493.

Mediterranean Race, the, Basques a variation of, 3; Sumerians and proto-Egyptians of, 7, 8; Cretans of, 8; Ripley traces in Asia, 8, 9, 11; in Africa and Europe, 9; "cradle" of, 39; Tammuz-Adonis myth and, 85; mother worship and status of women in, 104, 105, 108, 420 et seq.; in Hittite confederacy, 266; the Biblical Cushites and Hamites and, 276.

Medusa, Tiamat and, 159.

Meg, Long. See Long Meg.

Melkarth (mel´kärth), children sacrificed to, 171; Hercules and, 348; burning of, 349.

Memphis (mem´phis), Assyrians fight Ethiopians at, 475, 483.

Men, in worship of mother goddess, 107, 108.

Menahem (men´ä-hem), King of Israel, pays tribute to Assyria, 449.

Meneptah (men-ē´tä or men´e-tä), King of Egypt, relations of with Hittites, 378; sea raiders defeated by, 378, 379.

Menuas (men´ü-äs), King of Urartu, 440; conquests of, 441.

Mercury, the planet; in sun and moon group, 301; Nebo as, 301, 302; month of, 305; the "face voice of light", 314; "lapis lazuli" star, 314; the Gaulish boar god as, 316, 317; in astrology, 318.

Mermaids, the Babylonian, 34.

Mermer (mer´mer), a name of Nebo and Ramman, 303.

Merodach (mer´ō-dach), the god: creation of mankind, xxix, 148; Damkina and, 34; Enlil as older Bel than, 35; Ea and, 38; water of life belief, 44; Nusku as messenger of, 50; in demon war, 77; brothers and sister of, 82; Zamama of Kish and, 126; rise of, 134; Anshar's appeal to in Creation legend, 142; the avenger, 143; proclaimed king of the gods, 144; weapons and steeds of, 145; Tiamat slain, and brood of captured by, 146; eats "Ku-pu" of Tiamat, 147, 147 n., 153; forms earth and sky, 147, 328; creates stars of Zodiac, 147; lunar and solar decrees of, 148; other deities and, 34, 35, 38, 149, 158, 159, 298, 299, 303, 316, 336, 337, 348, 354, 420; hymn to, 149, 150, 161; as Tammuz, 158; Osiris and, 159, 298, 354; Perseus and, 159; Nimrod and, 167, 277, 343; temple of, 221; Hammurabi Age kings and, 241-242, 252; Hittites carry off image of, 261, 262, 269, 272; Kassites and, 272, 274, 372; complex character of, 298, 299; stars of, 296, 299, 300, 305; Jupiter form of as sun ghost, 305; Nebo and, 303, 435; month of, 305; goddesses and, 221, 299, 316, 420; world hill and, 332; as "high head", 334; Ashur and, 336, 337, 348, 354; image at Asshur, 468, 469; restoration of, 481, 482; ceremony of "taking hands" of, 480, 481; Cyrus and, 493, 495; Ahura Mazda and, 496; Darius I and, 497; Xerxes pillages temple of, 497; Alexander the Great and, 497; late worship of, 498.

Merodach Baladan (mer´o-dach bal´ad-an), King of Babylon, 457; second reign of, 465; death of, 468; sons of and Esarhaddon, 471.

Mesopotamia, present-day racial types in, 8; Assyria and Babylonia struggle to control, 286, 381, 382, 384; under Kassites, 358, 360, 361; atrocities of Ashur-natsir-pal III in, 397.

Messenger of gods, Sumerian Nusku and India Agni as, 50; Papsukel as, 97; Gaga as, 143.

Metals, the northern Mesopotamia, 25.

Mexico, the terrible mother ghost of, 69.

Meyer, Professor Kuno, 101, 102.

Micah, the prophet, 405, 406.

Mice, the golden, Dagon offering of, 32, 33; gods as, 41; as destroyers of Sennacherib's army, 466.

Midas (mī´das), King of Phrygia, Sargon II and, 460, 462.

Migrations, earliest from Arabia and Asia Minor, 10, 11, 12; the Canaanitic or Amorite, 217; Median and Iranian, 244; the Phœnician, 244, 245; of Abraham and Lot, 245, 246; of Hittites to Palestine, 246; prehistoric pottery evidence of, 263; cults and, 338; Aramæan, 359, 360, 376-378; Achæan, 376-378; the Moslem, 377; the "Bedouin peril", 392; effects of on old empires, 393.

Milky Way, the, 309.

Millet, husks of in Egyptian pre-Dynastic bodies, 6.

Minerva, Neith and, 337.

Mitanni (mi-tän´ni), Mitra, Indra, &c., gods of, 55, 269; rise of kingdom of, 268; Kurds descendants of people of, 270; Egypt and, 270, 271, 279, 282, 358, 359; Kassites and Hyksos and, 270, 271, 273; Assyria subject to, 270, 279; Merodach's image in, 272; in Tell-el-Amarna letters, 281; conquered by Hittites, 283, 284; cultural influence of, 316; Assyria occupies, 367.

Mithra (mith´rä), the Persian god; attributes of, 54, 55; Sumerian gods and, 55, 56; eagle as, 168, 169; Ashur and, 338; Cambyses sacrifices Apis bull to, 495.

Mitra (mit´ră), Aryo-Indian god, Sham-ash and, 54; association of with rain, 55; Sumerians and, 55, 56; identified with Yama, 56, 201; links with Agni and Tammuz, 94; in Mitanni, 55, 269.

Moab, Judah and, 402.

Mohammed, spitting custom of, 46.

Moisture of life, gods and, 45.

Moloch, the god, fire ceremony and, 50; children sacrificed to, 171.

Money, spat on to ensure increase, 47.

Mongolians, the, Sumerians unlike, 3, 4; elves of, 105; Hittites and, 265, 266.

Monotheism, in Creation legend, 149; Babylonia, 160, 161.

Mons Meg, 156.

Moon, the, water worship and worship of, 45, 51; Nannar (Sin), god of, 40; origin of in sea fire, 50, 51; as source of fertility and growth, 52; consort and family of, 53; Mitra and Varuna as regulators of, 54; goblet of, 75; in demon war, 76; devoured by pig demon, 85; god of as father of Isis, 100; bi-sexual deity of, 161, 299, 301; as a planet, 30,; forms of god of, 297, 298; Venus and, 314; in astrology, 318; the "four quarters of", 323, 324. See Nannar and Sin.

Moon goddess, the, 53.

Moses, in Koran water of life story, 186.

Mother, the Great, agriculturists and, xxx; as source of food supply, xxxii; destroying goddesses as, 57; Tiamat as, 64, 106, 140, 157; the serpent as, 74-76; the Gaelic Hag as, 87; Ishtar as, 100, 157; Nut of Egypt as, 100, 106; the Aryo-Indian Sri-Lakshmi as, 101; lovers of die yearly, 101 et seq.; human sacrifices to, 104; worship of in Jerusalem, 106; women as offerers to, 106-108; Kish queen and, 114; Lagash form of, 116; lions, deer, and wild goats of, 120; at creation of mankind, 148; as star Sirius, 296; Semiramis legend and, 436, 437. See Mother Worship.

Mother demons, in Sumerian and Anglo-Scottish folk tales, 153; Neolithic origin of, 156.

Mother ghost, the terrible, in Western Asia, India, and Mexico, 69; Buriats plead with, 69, 70.

"Mother of Mendes", the, Egyptian fish and corn deity, 29; Nina and, 117.

"Mother right", Hittites and, 418; Darius I succeeds through, 496.

Mother worship, in Mediterranean racial areas, 104, 105; in Semiramis Age, 417 et seq.; Queen Tiy and, 434; goddesses as mother, wife, and daughter of god, 436; Sargon 11 and, 463; Esarhaddon and, 471; Ashur-bani-pal and, 486; Artaxerxes promotes, 497.

Mothers, the twin, Isis and Nepthys as, 99.

Moulton, Professor, on Indian conception of conscience, 54; on Mithraism, 201.

Mountain gods, Enlil and the, 35.

"Mountain of the West", Olympus as, 332; temples as symbols of, 332. Mountains, as totems, 291, 292.

Mouse, god as a, 296.

Mulla, Gaulish mule god, as Mars, 316.

Mulla (mül´la), the "Will-o´-the-wisp", 66 et seq.

Müller, Max, on lunar chronology, 312.

Mummu (müm´mü), plots with Apsu and Tiamat, 139, 140; overcome by Ea, 140, 142.

Mummu-Tiamat, or Tiawath. See Tiamat.

Mursil (mür´sil), King of Hittites, 364; conquests of Egypt, 364.

Music, magical origin of, 238.

Muski (moosh´kee), overlords of Hittites, 380; Hittites freed from yoke of, 386; Thraco-Phrygian kingdom of, 395; Assyrians fight with, 397; the Biblical Meshech, 464.

Müt, Egyptian cult of, 105, 418; Aton and, 419.

Mutallu (mü´täl´lü), Hittite king, wars of with Rameses II, 365, 366. Mysticism, the "lord of many existences" 297, 299; Osiris as father, husband, son, &c., 297; Babylonian and Egyptian, 297, 298; forms of Horus, 300, 304; "world soul" conception, 304; father and son gods identical, 304, 305; Anshar and Anu and "self power", 328; Ashur and Brahma, 328.

Nabonidus (na-bo´nid-us), King of Babylonia, religious innovations of, 492, 493; relations with Cyrus, 494, 495.

Näbo-pol-äs´sar, King of Babylon, 487; alliance of with Medes, 488; fall of Nineveh, 488; Cyaxares the ally of, 493.

Nabu (nä´bü). See Nebo.

Nabu-aplu-iddin (na´bu-ap-lu-id´din), King of Babylon, 408.

Nabu-na´id, King of Babylonia. See Nabonidus.

Nadab (na´dab), King of Israel, 403.

Nahum, the doom of Nineveh, 477, 478, 488.

Naki´a, queen mother of Esarhaddon, 470; reigns in absence of Esarhaddon, 472; coronation of Ashur-bani-pal, 480.

Namtar (näm´tar), demon of disease, smites Ishtar in Hades, 97.

Nana (nä´nä), goddess of Erech, 124, 125; statue of 1635 years in Elam, 485.

Nannar (nän´nar), moon god, origin of name of, 52; consort and children of, 53; as father of Isis, 100; as a bi-sexual deity, 161, 299; cult of in Kish, 241; as bull of heaven, 334; Ishtar and, 436. See Moon and Sin.

Naram-Sin (nä´ram-sin), King of Akkad, famous stele of, 128; great empire of, 129; pigtails worn by enemies of, 265.

Naturalism, xxxiii; the conception of "self power", 291; Sumerian and Indian beliefs, 291, 292, 304, 328, 329; Totemism and, 293 et seq.; various co-existing forms of deities, 297.

Navigation, Sumerians and, 2.

Nebo (nā´bo) protector of Ashur-bani-pal's library, xxii, xxiii, 303; as Mercury, the messenger, 302 Merodach and Ea and, 303, 435, 436; as Mermer-Ramman, 303; month of, 305; Semiramis inscription, 419, 422; mother worship and, 434; spouse of, 436; small Kalkhi temple of, 487.

Nebuchadrezzar I (ne-bü-chad-rez´zar) of Babylonia, 380; conquests of, 381; power of, 382.

Nebuchadrezzar II, Hanging Gardens of, 220, 489; fiery furnace of, 349; monotheistic hymn of, 479; Egyptians routed by, 489; King of Judah captured by, 490; takes Jews captive, 491, 492.

Necho, the Pharaoh, Asiatic campaigns of, 489; rout of by Nebuchadrezzar, 489, 490.

Necho of Sais, Assyrian governor in Egypt, 475; Ashur-bani-pal and, 482; slain by Ethiopians, 483.

Neheb-Kau (ne´heb-kä´ü), Egyptian serpent goddess, 150.

Nehemiah in the Susan palace, 111; restoration of Jews, 496.

Neith, Egyptian cult of, 101; her arrows of fertility, 337; "shuttle" of a thunderbolt, 337 n.

Neolithic Age. Sec Stone Age, the Late.

Neolithic folk tales, 156.

Nepthys (nep´thys) mourning for Osiris, 83; laments with Isis for Osiris, 99; as joint mother of Osiris, 99; as serpent goddess, 150.

Neptune, connection of with Ea, Dagon, &c., 33; the horn of, 238.

Nereids (nē´rē-ids), the, 33; the Babylonian, 34; as demon lovers, 68.

Nergal (ner´gäl), solar god of disease, 53; as King of Hades, 53, 54; Yama and, 56; as Destroyer, 62, 63, 303; like Teutonic Beli, 95; as form of Merodach, 160; conflict with Eresh-ki-gal, 205; as planet Mars, 303; Horus and Ares and, 304; like Agni, 304; Osiris and Tammuz and, 304; month of, 305 as "high head", 334; worship of in Samaria, 455.

Nergal-shar-utsur (ü´tsür), King of Babylonia, 492.

Nidaba (ni´da-ba), goddess of Lugal-zaggisi, 124.

Nightmare, Babylonian demon of, 68, 69.

Nimrod, eagle myth regarding, 167; agricultural myth of, 170; John Barleycorn and, 170, 170 n.; the Biblical "mighty hunter", 276; as Ni-Marad (Merodach), 277, 343; the fires of, 350; Asshur and, 354.

Nimrud. See Kalkhi.

Nina (ni´na), the fish goddess, Ishtar as, 100; at Lagash, 117, 118, 327; Derceto and Atargatis and, 277; goddess of Nineveh, 327, 423; creatrix and, 437; Persian Anahita and, 496.

Nineveh, excavations at, xix; called after Nina, fish goddess, 100, 423; King Ninus and, 424; Biblical reference to origin of, 276, 277; Semiramis legend of origin of, 277; plundered by King of Mitanni, 280; observatory at, 321; Ashur and, 354; palace of Ashur-natsir-pal III at, 399 Ionians deported from Cilicia to, 464 as Babylon's rival, 469 Esarhaddon's Ashur temple at, 476; Nahum's prophecy, 477, 478; Ashur-bani-pal's palace and library at, 487; fall of, 488; Scythian legend, 488.

Nin-Girsu (nin-gir´su), the god of Lagash, Ninip and Tammuz and, 53, 115, 116, 333; Ur-Nina and, 117, 118; Urukagina, the reformer, and, 121 et seq.; famous silver vase from temple of, 120; lion-headed eagle of, 120; Gudea's temple to, 130; Shamash and Babbar and, 132; development of, 135; eagle of, 168; Merodach and Zamama and, 126, 241.

Ninip (nin´ip, or Nin´ib), as Nirig and destroying sun, 53; Zamama identified with, 126; during Isin Dynasty, 132; in flood legend, 190 et seq.; father and son myth, 158, 302; as bull god and boar god, 302, 334; month of, 305; the boar and, 315; as Kronos and Saturn, as elder and younger Horus, 316.

Nin´-shach, Babylonian boar god, 86.

Nin´-sun, as destroying goddess, 57, 100.

Nin´tü, the Babylonian serpent mother, 76; Tiamat and, 150.

Ninus, king, legendary founder of Nineveh, 277, 424; Semiramis and, 424, 425.

Nin´yas, son of Semiramis, 426.

Nippur (nip´pur), Enlil god of, 35; Ninip the Destroyer advances against, 53; Ramman, Hadad or Dadu and, 57; Ur-Nina and, 116, 117; Lugal-zaggisi and, 124; Ur moon god at, 130; Ea's temple at, 131; Isin kings from, 132, 133; Kassites showed preference for, 218; observatory at, 321; Kheber (Chebar) canal near, 344.

Nirig (ni´rig), as Ninip and destroying sun, 53. See Ninip.

Nisroch, the Biblical, Ashur as, 343, 470.

Njord (nyerd), the Eddic sea god, 33.

Noah, the Babylonian, 27.

Nü, the Egyptian god, the crocodile as, 29; Sumerian form of, 36, 37; vaguer than Nut, 106.

Nudimmud (nü´dim-müd). See Ea.

Nüsk´ü, the god, as fire deity, 49, 50, 51; as messenger of gods, 50, 53; connection of with sea fire, 50, 51; association of with sun and moon gods, 50, 353; identified with Nirig and Tammuz, 354.

Nut (noo´it), the Egyptian goddess, 36; Tiamat as, 37; as mother of Osiris, 101; Nu vaguer than, 106.

Oak, Saul buried under, 350; association of with thunder gods, 350.

Oannes (ō-än´nes), as Ea, 27, 30.

Odin (ō´din), 64; lovers of wife of, 103; Gilgamesh and, 184, 185 the mythical Ages and, 202; Paradise of like Indra's, 209.

Olympus, the Babylonian, 332.

Omri, King of Israel, 405.

Opener, the, Horus as, 302. See Apuatu and Patriarch.

Opis, Kish swayed by, 114; King of captured by Eannatum of Lagash, 119; Entemena's sack of, 120.

Ops, 103.

Ori´on, the Constellation, as form of Osiris, 297; Nin-Girsu and Tammuz as, 301; as form of the sun, 305.

Orion, the Greek giant, origin of, 45.

Osiris (ō-sī´ris), Tammuz cult and cult of, xxxi, 81. Yama and Gilgamesh and, xxxii; as god of the Nile, 33; creative tears of, 45; as a "dangerous god", 63; as patriarch, 52, 82, 83, 84, 86, 90; weeping for, 83, twin goddesses mourn for, 99; Adonis myth, 83, 84; origin of, 84; blood of in Nile, 85; swine associated with, 85; as the lunar babe, 89; as child, husband, brother, and father of Isis, &c., 99, 297; as son with two mothers, 99; Nut as mother of, 101; Paradise of, 209; fusion of Ptah with Seb and, 264; Isis star and, 296; the grave of, 296; makes Isis a male, 299; Nergal and, 304; in star lore, 315; backbone symbol of world mountain, 332; Merodach and Ashur and, 354.

Osiris-Sokar, Merodach like, 299.

Owl, as ghost of sorrowful mother, 65; Arabian belief regarding, 70; reference to in Isaiah, 114.

Ox, the wild, in eagle and serpent myth, 75, 76.

Palæolithic Age, skull forms of in France, 8; Palestine in, 10.

Palestine, early races in, 10; Palæolithic finds in, 10; cave dwellers of, 10, 11; in empire of Naram Sin, 129; Abraham's wanderings in, 245; tribes he found in, 245, 246; Elamites in, 247, 248, 249; Necho's campaigns in, 489.

Pan, Ea-bani and, 135; the pipes of, 238.

Pantheon, the National, during Isin Dynasty, 132.

Pap-sukal (pap-sü´kal), messenger of gods, rescues Ishtar from Hades, 97.

Paradise, childless ghosts excluded from, 71; the Indian, Germanic, and Egyptian, 209; Babylonian beliefs, 210. See Hades.

Patesi (pa´te-si), priest king, 1. Patriarch, the, Apuatu as, xxxii; Sargon of Akkad as, xxxiii, 91; Yama as, xxxii, 56, 200; Osiris and Tammuz as, xxxii, 82, 86, 90, 297; Scyld or Sceaf as, 92; Yngve, Frey, Hermod, and Heimdal as, 93; the mythical "sleepers" and, 164; Nimrod as, 170, 277, 354; Gilgamesh as, xxxii, 200; Mitra as, 201; the Biblical Asshur, 276, 327, 354; King Ninus of Nineveh and, 424, 425; the Persian and Cyrus, 493.

Paul, Mars’ hill sermon of, 59, 60.

Pekah, King of Israel, 450, 451; Assyrian king overthrows, 453.

Pelasgians, the, Sumerian kinship with, 9; Achæans and, 393.

Pennsylvania, University of, expedition of, xxiv.

Penrith, "Long Meg's" stone circle near, 156.

Persephone (per-sef´on-ē), the Babylonian, 53; as lover of Adonis, 90.

Perseus, legend of, 152; the Babylonian, 159, 164.

Persia, fire worship in, 50; Yama of India and Gilgamesh, and Yima of, 200, 201; the mythical Ages of, 202; eagle symbol of great god of, 347, 493; Ashur cult and, 355; Britain and Russia in, 357; Cyrus King of, 493; religion of and Babylonian influence, 496.

Persian Gulf, early Sumerians traded on, 2; Eridu once a port on, 22.

Petrie, Professor Flinders, dating of, xv, 212; alien pottery in Egypt found by, 263; on Egypt's culture debt to Syria, 275.

Pharaoh, "Piru" theory, 458, 458 n.

Philistines, the, their god Dagon, 32, 33; "way of" an ancient trade route, 357; invasion of Palestine by, 379; as overlords of Hebrews, 379, 380; Hittites and, 386; civilization of, 387, 403, 405; as vassals of Damascus, 414; tribute from to Assyria, 439.

Phœnicians, Baau, mother goddess of, 150; traditional racial cradle of, 244; appearance of on Mediterranean coast, 245; Melkarth, god of, 346; as allies of Hebrews, 388.

Phrygia, thunder god of, 261; Cybele and Attis of, 267; Muski and, 395; King Midas of, 460; Cimmerians overrun, 472; Lydia absorbs, 494.

Picts, why they painted themselves, 212.

Pig, demon in, 71; sacrificed to Tammuz, 85; associated with Osiris, 85; sacrifice of to cure disease, 236; totemic significance of, 293; as the devil in Egypt and Britain, 293; Ninip as boar god, 302.

Pigeons. See Doves.

Pillar worship, "world tree" and "world spine", 334.

Pinches, Professor, on Ea, Ya or Jah, and Dagan, 31; on Babylonian "Will-o’-the-wisp", 66; on Babylonian boar god, 86; on flocks of Tammuz, 93; on Creation hymn, 149, 150; on Babylonian monotheism, 160; on names of Hammurabi, Tidal, &c., 248; on Merodach as Nimrod, 277; on Nebo and Ramman, 303; on Ashur worship, 352, 353; on Nusku and Tammuz, 353, 354; on Ashur, Merodach, and Osiris, 354; on the sacred doves, 427.

Pir-na-pish´tim, the Babylonian Noah, 27; sun god and, 55; Gilgamesh's journey to island of, 177, 178, 180; revelation of, 181, 182; the flood legend of, 190 et seq.; the Indian Yama and, 200; the Persian Yima and, 201.

Planets, deities identified with, 296; Merodach as Jupiter and Mercury, 299; Venus female at sunset and male at sunrise, 299; when gods were first associated with, 300; Horus identified with three, 300; the seven included sun and moon, 301; Jupiter as "bull of light", 301; the "bearded Aphrodite" and Ishtar, 301; Ninip (Nirig) and Horus as Saturn, 302; Nebo and Merodach as Mercury, 303; Nergal and Horus as Mars, 303, 304; in doctrine of mythical Ages, 313 et seq.; the Babylonian and Greek, 316; in astrology, 318.

Plant of Birth, Etana's quest for, 164.

Plant of Life, Gilgamesh's quest for, 164, 177.

Plato, the dance of the stars, 333.

Pleiades (plī´a-dēz), the. See Constellations.

Pleistocene (plīst´o-sēn) Age, the, Palestinian races of, 10.

Pliny, on the "Will-o’-the-wisp", 67.

Plutarch, the Osirian bull myth, 89; on Babylonian astrology, 318.

Poetry, magical origin of, 236 et seq.

Poets, inspired by sacred mead, 45.

Polar star, as "world spike", 332; Lucifer as, 331, 332.

Pork, tabooed by races, 293.

Poseidon (pō-sī´don), 64, 105.

Postal arrangements, in Hammurabi Age, 251.

Pottery, linking specimens of in Turkestan, Elam, Asia Minor, and Southern Europe, 5, 263.

Prajapati (prăjä´păti), the Indian god, creative tears of, 45.

Preservers, the, mother goddesses as, 100.

Priests, En-we-dur-an-ki of Sippar, 42; the sorcerer's spell, 46; Dudu of Lagash, 120; as rulers of Lagash, 121; and burial ceremonies, 208, 209; fees of cut down by reformer, 210, 211; as patrons of culture, 287, 288, 289.

Pritha (preet´hä), mother of Indian Karna, 126.

Prophecy, blood-drinking ceremony and, 48; breath of Apis bull and, 49.

Prophets, clothing of, 213, 214.

Psamtik (sam´tik), Pharaoh of Egypt under Assyrians, 483; throws off Assyrian yoke, 486.

Ptah (tä), the Egyptian god, Ea compared to, 30; cult of and mother worshippers, 105; deities that link with, 263, 264.

Pül, Assyrian king called in Bible, 444.

Pumpelly expedition, Turkestan discoveries of, 5, 6, 263.

Punt, the land of, as "cradle" of Mediterranean race, 39.

Purusha (pür-üsh´ă), the Indian chaos giant, 429.

Quarters, the four. See Four quarters.

Queen of Heaven, the, Ishtar as, 81; descent of to Hades, 95 et seq.; Bau-Gula as, 116; Etana and eagle legend and, 166; Ashur worshipped like, 352; Jehu worshipped, 412, 421.

Queen of Kish, the legendary Azag-Bau, 114; humble origin of, 115.

Ra (rä or rā), the Egyptian god, as chief of nine gods, 36; creative tears of, 45, 334; creative saliva of, 46; the "Eye" of blinded and cured, 46; as a destroyer, 63; in flood legend, 197; Paradise of, 209; Osiris and, 297; as old man, 314; as cat, ass, bull, ram, and crocodile, 329.

Races, languages and, 3; the Sumerian problem, 3; shaving customs of, 4; the Semitic blend, 10; culture promoted by fusion of, 42; god and goddess cults and, 105. See Armenoids, Mongolians, Mediterranean Race, Semites, Sumerians.

Rain gods, Enlil, Ramman, Indra, &c., as, 35, 57; Mitra and Varuna as, 55.

Rainy season in Babylonia, 24.

Ram, sun god as, 329; Osiris as, 85.

Rämă, the Indian demi-god, demon lover of, 67; colour of, 186.

Ràmàyana (raäm-ay´ăn-ă), the, 67; eagle myth in, 166.

Rameses I (räm´e-sēz or ra-mē´sēs), Hittites and, 364.

Rameses II, of Egypt, wars of in Syria, 365; the Hittite treaty, 366; Hittites aided by Aramæans against, 378.

Rameses III, sea raiders scattered by, 379; Philistines and, 379.

Ramman (räm´män), the atmospheric and thunder god, 57; in Zu bird myth, 74; in demon war, 76; a hill god, 136; Merodach and, 159, 160; in flood legend, 192 et seq.; deities that link with, 261; called Mermer like Nebo, 303; month of, 309.

Rams, offered to sea god, 33.

Rassam, Hormuzd, x, xxiii.

Ravens, demons enter the, 71; in folk cures, 234; as unlucky birds, 429.

Rawlinson, Sir Henry, xx, xxi.

Rebekah, Hittite daughters-in-law of, 266, 267.

Reed hut, Ea revelation to Pir-napishtim in, 190, 191; and reeds in graves, 213.

Reformer, the first historic, Urukagina of Lagash, 121 et seq.

Rehoboam (rē-ho-bō´am), subject to Egypt, 402.

Rem, the Egyptian god of fish and corn, 29.

Rephaim (reph´ā-im), the, Hittites and, II, 12.

Rezin, King of Damascus, 449; Pekah plots with, 451; Tiglath-pileser IV and, 453.

Rhea, 103.

Rhone, the river, dragon of, 152.

Ribhus (rib´hüs), the elves of India, 105.

Ridgeway, Professor, on the Achæans, 377.

Rim-Anum (rim-an´um), revolt of in Hammurabi Age, 242.

Rimmon (rim´mon), Enlil, Tarku, &c., as, 35, 57, 395.

Rim-Sin, struggle of with Babylon, 217; Hammurabi reduces power of, 249; put to death by Samsu-iluna, 249, 256.

Rim´ush. See Urumush.

Ripley, Professor W. Z., on Mediterranean racial types in Asia, 8.

Risley, Mr., on Naturalism in India, 291.

Rivers, worship of, 44; life principle in, 48; created by Merodach, 149,

Robin Goodfellow, the Babylonian, 66.

Roman burial customs, 207.

Rome, the death eagle of, 169.

Rose Garden, the Wonderful, 68.

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, the Lilith sonnet, 67.

Rudra (rood´rä), the Indian god, 64.

Rusas (rü´säs), King of Urartu, Sargon II routs, 460, 461.

Russia, the double-headed eagle of, 168; Persian and Armenian questions, 357.

Russian Turkestan, early civilization of and the Sumerian, 5.

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