Preface": The real story about Ancient times
My Manuscript
Ancient Times History
Earth's Ancient History The real story about Ancient times Preface L.C. Geerts I grew up in the period shortly after the Second World War in the Netherlands. This was a time in which our parents had to rebuild our partly…
The Book of the Dead, Preface
The Book of Dead
book of the dead
THE BOOK OF THE DEADThe Papyrus of Ani by E. A. WALLIS BUDGE Late keeper of Assyrian and Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum [1895] PREFACE.The Papyrus of Ani, which was acquired by the Trustees of the British Museum in…
Ancient Sumer
Ancient Sumer
sumer sumerian
Mesopotamia with thanks to The History Guide What is good in a man's sight is evil for a god, What is evil to a man's mind is good for his god. Who can comprehend the counsel of the gods in…
The Oera Linda Book, Intro
The Oera Linda Book
Oera Linda Book
The Oera Linda Book Forgery or Fact There exists one very old Frisian manuscript named the Oera Linda book. It's forewords were written in AD 1256, although its main section was a diary kept about 2000 years, which was put…
Atlantis in the Critias by Plato
Ancient Atlantis
atlantis plato critias
CRITIAS by Plato 360 BC translated by Benjamin Jowett New York, C. Scribner's Sons, [1871] PERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE: CRITIAS; Those who actually take part in the dialogues: Timaeus - there is no historical record of him. Critias - Plato's…